I am woman

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Well-Known Member
Translations aside 'homie', growing up, something that was 'dank' WAS wet and mildewy, such as our dank basement.

Yes I'm sure a Muslim could, seeing how they respect Jesus as a great prophet.

And pinworm, Jesus died for your sins, so you too can smoke a blunt in heaven, all he asked is for you to love him and his father. How can you disrespect him, and yourself, by name calling??


Well-Known Member
Could you describe a use case there? I am a bit stumped on that second part.

the first part...I could not agree more. :)
You never seen a bitch in heat?
lol, to each his own, but I guess I will be having the last laugh when I'm smoking a blunt with Jesus during the rapture!!

I can't wait to taste the dank in heaven!!

Where will the rapture take place?


Well-Known Member
God sucks balls. Created by humans when they were afraid, and understandably so. If you're afraid, you're a pussy, and I get it- you may need god. But fuck Him. He's a pussy too.
i tend to agree, plus back then, they didn't have much in the way of science, so they came up with religion to answer questions like.. why does it thunder? oh well, the god's must be angry at us, and what happens when we die, so on and so forth..
my $.02
I love it, sounds like me not too long ago. Of course man created Gods to explain the unexplainable, and through the centuries science as disproved all gods but the God who created life. I have been spewing that carp for years. Funny thing is, do a little reading, science has recently disproved Darwin's theory and claims that life on this planet did not originate on this planet. Read up on the guy who discovered DNA, he says DNA and cells are so complex there is no way they could have accidentally created over a half a million different species from some primordial soup. God is real my friends. He is supernatural and very much alive.
Religions on the other hand, those are definitely created by man, but not God.


Well-Known Member
I love it, sounds like me not too long ago. Of course man created Gods to explain the unexplainable, and through the centuries science as disproved all gods but the God who created life. I have been spewing that carp for years. Funny thing is, do a little reading, science has recently disproved Darwin's theory and claims that life on this planet did not originate on this planet. Read up on the guy who discovered DNA, he says DNA and cells are so complex there is no way they could have accidentally created over a half a million different species from some primordial soup. God is real my friends. He is supernatural and very much alive.
Religions on the other hand, those are definitely created by man, but not God.



Well-Known Member
When you die - you rot in the ground or they burn you up. Those are pretty much your options. You get one shot. Do everything you want to while you're still here. And, don't let the wrath of some 2000 year old mythological character guilt you into submission. Think for yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Who disproved Darwin?
We have more evidence supporting the theory of Evolution than we have supporting the theory of Gravity.

Wow, we are really off track here.
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