I am writing a script...

Your gonna have to add a subplot that goes with the story. I.E. a girl, relationship, illegitimate kid, skeletons in the closent, something along those lines.
Your gonna have to add a subplot that goes with the story. I.E. a girl, relationship, illegitimate kid, skeletons in the closent, something along those lines.

how about he reunites with his high school sweetheart who has 2 kids one by another guy and one is his that he didnt know about
black friend from high school named vinnie montoya?
brayden is a good name i think for another character and the older brothers ex wife Erika
so they start a small soil op first then move up to hydro....amsterdam episode...cali episode or 3 where they go to Oaksterdam U to boost their growing knowldge the possibilities are endless
I like the bHERBS title lol but it might be a little hard for people to read. Bud Brothers, however, sounds like a complete comedy to me and I am to understand you want something serious with a bit of comedy.
I like the bHERBS title lol but it might be a little hard for people to read. Bud Brothers, however, sounds like a complete comedy to me and I am to understand you want something serious with a bit of comedy.

that would make a great title for a comedy movie, i think if the logo wasdone right The bHerbs could be good or maybe like THE subHERBS
That's a bit easier to read - I like it! I think this should be more comedy than drama tho - Like a 70% more serious version of weeds.
That's a bit easier to read - I like it! I think this should be more comedy than drama tho - Like a 70% more serious version of weeds.

i just think weeds is too unrealistic this would be more gritty and real with comedy to lighten it up Terriers, Six Feet Under is a good example because its a show about death but it still manages to make u laugh without a truly comedic script
I suppose if it's heavy with satirical humour it could totally work. It would go down good in the UK anyway, we luuuuv satire.
so i have a little bit of it worked out in my head but i havent had time to sit down and start writing yet, i think im pretty settled on THE subHERBS as the title thouggh
so i have the opening sequence worked out in my head and wrote it down in shorthand until i can sit down and write...soooo opens with a time lapse shot of a grow from start to cure and then from the grower to the distributor and so on until it gets into the hands of one of our leads "neville" who is chillin in a room with his buddies puffin on it and then for future episodes it would be the same but go to whomever is smokin at the beginning of the show:)
There's some really good script writing software out there. For $50 you could pick up Final Draft, which is user friendly and formats your hard work into a proffesionally polished script...
sounds like u stole a bunch of shit from existing shows, and crammed it together. After a few episodes you would proably run out of ideas. growing weed is pretty repetitive and dealers usually have clientel which also gets pretty redundant.
how about a show about two brothers who were real estate agents during the boom and lost it all in the crash. they decide to take their unemployment checks and start a grow op in one of the foreclosed houses that they sold. it could take place in any state.
how about a show about two brothers who were real estate agents during the boom and lost it all in the crash. they decide to take their unemployment checks and start a grow op in one of the foreclosed houses that they sold. it could take place in any state.

You should name the two brothers leroy and tyrone
That would be a good show
have it in new york city and make it feel dangerous and dirty then lighten the whole mood with fat grow op shots. have a family man lose his job and cant tell his wife and shit then he starts a double life growing buds. Have the show about this one man keeping this secret from everybody he sees evey day. Throw fucked up tragedies in there and have gangsters allways tryin to jack him. Turn him into a nuts ass pot only dealer who kicks the shit out of bad drug dealers and he goes home after a long day at the office...
so how about these guys wind up saving america in the long run with pot.. and become billionaire business moguls. i know its a strange suggestion but revive the hemp industry (cuz lets face it the cotton and tree fiber industries have no real competition) and then (somehow) figure out how to produce large amounts of biomass ethanol from the stalks of the plants.. it could happen. therefor making textiles cheap to produce in the us again, and ending our dependency on forein oil and saving america. not to mention making pot the hero and getting everyone baked hahaha. i know its a half baked idea (pun intended) but it just popped into my head when i read the thread title. Good idea for a series man, keep up the writing flo