I believe I found the solution for my Window.

Just move the plug like all suggested. I suspect your outlet is probably below the window as well. I would highly suggest a GFI outlet for anything involved with water.

since your outlet is most likely below the window, I would highly suggest running your wiring like this:

If you spill/ or have your auto watering fail- hopefully the water will follow the wiring down and not flow into the outlet.

If you correct the safety issues people will shut up and start helping you more. It’s just hard for us to move past.
All this could been less dramatic with a standard tent , no dollar tree DIY . You are looking to adapt a watering system …. For a window.

Plants don’t even look like they budged in growth. Even when they do grow out - then what ? Plants will overtake that space .

Props for ingenuity but for real results you could do way better with just a standard indoor setup. You are getting a wide variety of suggestions and concerns from many experienced growers some even full ops.
They would like you succeed and that is why the advice is there to help you.
Not really haha I was tool gopher for a gearhead father from an early age to almost fist to cuffs as a late teen to the point i cant stand to turn wrench haha. I’ll get the brakes and fluid changes now but I cant be bothered most times
What is with newbs coming to weed forums stubbornly trying to do what everyone more experienced has told them not to a dozen times. If you can’t setup a safe functional indoor grow environment don’t try to jerry rig one. Grow outside, if you can’t do that then call the plug or hit the dispensary.
And if you already smoke a lot, you’ll end up smoking more. Before growing I was spending like $300/mo on weed(would’ve been more but on my disability check there just wasn’t. Now I spend $300/mo on electric