I believe in God, He is REAL to me!

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Well-Known Member
That you are rude, I don't remember Jesus ever saying that . . .
i am really not being rude. if you could hear me you would know this. i apologize if i am coming off this way. i have no disdain for you at all. but i am kind of waitin on the suckers to attack me. ;-)


Well-Known Member
what's amazing is doing good can bring ridicule (not considering the hypocrites that do damage). i can see that satan is attempting a hostile take-over...but i "REBUKE" you in the name of Jesus. holy warriors standing by...
Gee thanks :roll: I'm going to work now.;-)


Well-Known Member
This threads a fucking joke DrGreenFinger, the guy copy and pasted his story from something else.

Plus god can eat a dick


New Member
I can't believe that anyone can look around at the state of the world today and the things humans do to each other and believe there is a god.

Take into account all the disease, death, famine, poverty, murder, rape, torture, etc. and still believe that there is some invisible guy out there in the sky who loves us? Yet he'll banish us to burn in a fiery pit for all eternity for disobeying a rule, even though jesus died to gain forgiveness for all of mankinds sins.

Does god use money? Churches are all about wanting your money. Is there some kind of god express that comes and picks up the cash? Actually the bible teaches that god like his offerings burnt, do the priests burn the money to offer it to god? Oh no, that's right, by the looks of the churches and all that glitters that is gold inside them, it seems like a for profit industry.


Well-Known Member
This threads a fucking joke DrGreenFinger, the guy copy and pasted his story from something else.

Plus god can eat a dick
i dont doubt he may have. let him respond, everyone isn't here all day. rose is a solid cat, and by that i mean genuine. yeah i co-sign. i'm real to the core and real knows real, as game recognizes game. we all copy and paste. this cat is old, he has told me about becoming very forgetful. he may have forgot to give credit. big...:bigjoint: deal. please, give the cat a break. he will be back tomorrow, or soon. :peace:


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK are you talking about? This whole convo started in the DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD thread in Toke N Talk. Where he was blabbing about being a BELIEVER and trying to "prove a point" only to ditch that thread and start his own to "TELL HIS STORY"...

He made it VERY clear it was HIS story.....

Even in THIS thread he made it clear it was HIS STORY.

And its NOT his story.

He is not a REAL CAT.

All you two recognize is the fact that you KNOW religion is BS, and are likely non-believers as well who are just bored and Fucking around with the rest of us atheist's just for fun.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that anyone can look around at the state of the world today and the things humans do to each other and believe there is a god.
and i don't see how they can't. real talk. but i accept that we are going to differ. you spit a lot of intelligence in threads, and this is NOT a subject we can battle wits. for multiple reasons, namely...spiritual things are NOT carnally discerned. it is not a subject that you can understand thru HUMAN reasoning. once again, how simple would a god be that man could figure out? knowledge cannot lead you to an understanding of your Creator. but...no debate. i really do pray for everyone, especially...back :fire::wall:...all people...including tryintomasterkush. :bigjoint: sorry.


Elite Rolling Society
Roseman - Did you really write this? is this really true? is this really your story?

i'll tell you why - because i've heard that exact story, years ago, in a baptist church... almost verbatim...

No, I didn't make it up, its an old story, and just a story, I've heard it a dozen times and told it 100 times. I do volunteer work at the prison, and I tell it there often.


New Member
You've been indoctrinated from birth haven't you? :lol:

Can you show me one piece of biblical proof? Where did those pesky stone tablets with the 10 commandments run off to? How about that ark? Whatever happened to the tree of knowledge?

You didn't give any kind of reasoning for churches to demand 10% of every parishioners income. Where does that money go? They claim charity but have you ever got a look at their books? I wonder how much just one of those fancy organ pipes cost.

Where in the bible does it specify 10% in cold hard cash?

My neighbor plants 2 crops in the same field, shall we stone him? I'm sure we're all guilty of mixing fabrics that we wear on our bodies, which is punishable by ....... death !

and i don't see how they can't. real talk. but i accept that we are going to differ. you spit a lot of intelligence in threads, and this is NOT a subject we can battle wits. for multiple reasons, namely...spiritual things are NOT carnally discerned. it is not a subject that you can understand thru HUMAN reasoning. once again, how simple would a god be that man could figure out? knowledge cannot lead you to an understanding of your Creator. but...no debate. i really do pray for everyone, especially...back :fire::wall:...all people...including tryintomasterkush. :bigjoint: sorry.


Elite Rolling Society
Dude, if you're going to steal a story and claimed that it happened to you, don't steal the most common story ever told in Bible School by lazy pastors.
A new low has been reached.
It IS a story, an old story. I just told it, typed it from memory.


Well-Known Member
But roseman you implied it was your own this whole time
In another thread.
and I believe in this one as well

You may not have said "this was my story it really happened to me"
But you certainly implied it


Well-Known Member
i really do pray for everyone, especially...back :fire::wall:...all people...including tryintomasterkush. :bigjoint: sorry.
Dont pray, we are part of GOD'S divine plan... Dont worry about us.. We're just living out God's plan... No need to pray and try to alter what God's doing... he's got his divine plan under control...

wait a minute... Why would you be able to change what Gods doing if YOU are part of his divine plan....

WAIT! So, God created a path for you within his plan... and God mustve created you to PRAY to HIM to remind HIM of something.

It's like in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure! When they left tape recordings of themselves at the police precinct to remind them to DUCK when someone walked by!!!! OH WOW!


Well-Known Member
This dude must have a hardon for me or something.

He spammed my inbox and now im lookin back on this thread and he keeps mentioning me:confused:

Should I be worried?:-?


Well-Known Member
Praying is absurd...

You pray for God to HEAL someone... But if we are all part of Gods divine plan and living the path he laid for us... Then why would he need us to pray to remind him of shit.

Hes all knowing, all powerful... He already knows Tiny Tim needs to be healed.... Its part of his plan


Well-Known Member
It IS a story, an old story. I just told it, typed it from memory.

Actually... You fail because you are a dishonest person and lying always catches up to you. THIS is what you claimed.

I am going to Unsubscribe here. I started this on a new thread and will go there to contiinue it. I did not want to hi-jack the thread here.......just contribute. I will answer how have I tasted God here:
i'll be here:

Peace be with ya


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK are you talking about? This whole convo started in the DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD thread in Toke N Talk. Where he was blabbing about being a BELIEVER and trying to "prove a point" only to ditch that thread
probaly because he is about PEACE? and always leaves threads that get...abnormally negative. :bigjoint:

Even in THIS thread he made it clear it was HIS STORY.

And its NOT his story.
i didnt see that

He is not a REAL CAT.
we will agree to disagree. my intuition is proven with true credentials. nothing i can/will try to convince anyone of in cyber space. but i trust it from years of honing plus a proven track record. real recognize real. ;-)

and are likely non-believers as well who are just bored and Fucking around with the rest of us atheist's just for fun.
pump your brakes, killa. i haven't attacked or said anything negative, playful, or in any way other than with the UTMOST sincerity. i'm real because i consistently demonstrate it. not because of any games i can play.

i'll say it again...:peace:
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