I bet you cant figure this out stoned


Well-Known Member
The answer must be a real number with ten digits to the right of the decimal point

It must be a rational number greater than 10 with a 2-digit repeating pattern

can you figure this out??

if so plus rep


Well-Known Member
Um I'm not good with that kinda shit sober or high.

I know, I sound dumb but that shit will and never be anything near my strong point.

Ahh. :( I feel special ed now. And I probably honestly am on that shit LOL.


Well-Known Member
damn man.
i suck with numbers.
i took computer programming instead because i got math credits for it.
its probably something really stupid easy though.


New Member
Greater than ten tom :) I'm gonna concur with post 3 in theory it could be 10.1010101010 or any 2 numbers so long as its 10 or greater but I think there is a catch here so ill say


Well-Known Member
well lets pick a number.. lets say.. 10.929292929292929292929292............ let it equal x. Then 100x = 1092.929292929292929292922929..... sooooo 99x = 1082... and x = 1082 / 99, so our two numbers are 1082 and 99 :) (of course these numbers could be anything.. so long as they fit op's criteria) Try it with 10.73737373737373737373