I bout ready to sell these plants

you know from your growth pattern, i don't think these were and Auto variety you got. They're looking good btw
And thats a prob in itself rite?, wouldnt 12 12 schedule would mess the autos bud? It has to be the 12 12 because they simply werent advanving through flower mode with 18 6... I never ran into this problem. Do i switch back to 18 6 at sum point?

Its a tough call man. I think they were flowering before the switch like I said early on. So it might be fine to switch the lights back to 18/6. It might stress them some, but if they are legit autos I bet it won't hurt anything.
Its a tough call man. I think they were flowering before the switch like I said early on. So it might be fine to switch the lights back to 18/6. It might stress them some, but if they are legit autos I bet it won't hurt anything.
Yea im over this grow by july if this shit aint took off theyre coming up... Major fuckin setback