I Call It: In it to Win it. Part II. The Billybob Saga.


Well-Known Member
First is with all the lights on, the rest are while I was waiting for my one of my new lights to cut off to see how much I need to adjust my timer, just a couple minutes. Let me know what yall think of my work today.:lol:



Well-Known Member
Just built a prototype aerocloner tonight. 24 site. Looks like it will work great. I also cut 24 Brainstorm clones. Plan on making a few more cloners and so I can continue these strains. Pics of it tommorow


Well-Known Member
So day 10 of flowering on the big girls, day 7 on the grapefruits(the smaller ones grouped together). the ones in the middle are GDP and AK. the talll ones are the TNR Euphoria ad Brainstorm. Looking good I think. Any opinions?



Well-Known Member
Lol thanks Jig. I appreciate that. I'd love some criticism but I know what you mean. I think I've covered every angle because the plants are looking just fantastic. I'm picking up some new strains tonight, I'll let yall know what I pick up. Everything has been running very smoothly though, no real deficiencies, no serious nute burn, environment is perfect, no pests(ladybugs are doing their thing). They just grow up so fast :(


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Hey frost. I will get back to you on exactly how much of the zym and rhizo that i use cause I'm not exactly sure. Then plants dont really need Rhizo after they have been growing for a few weeks, its mainly just a root booster, and boy does it do that well! I didnt start the zym until about the plants entered vegetative. Just light rhizo from the start, increasing as they get bigger. The sheet that Canna gives you for the nute system is pretty accurate. I started with half the nutes of what they said to start with and gradually worked up.

Also I feed every time I water. Which is almost every day now on the big girls, every other day on the smaller ones. Some plants want more nutes, some want less. My brainstorm and Euphoria burn easily so i dont pump them as hard. While my TNR, AK and GDP LOVE to be doused with nutes. Thats the beauty of soil though, you can care for each individual plant and adjust your nutrient mix to its needs. I'll get some more detailed info for you soon!


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Well-Known Member
Def pure water. I wouldnt use any type of nutrient while germinating and early seedling. Every plant is different, the last thing you want to do is burn a fragile seedling. You could use a drop or 2 per gallon but pure water works just as good. Once the plant starts growing roots then start the rhizo. Usually a week from sprouting IMO


Well-Known Member
week 2 on the big girls. the grapefruits have seemed to be vegging still for a soild 11 days into flowering. a few pistils are starting to emerge on each. TNR, Brainstorm, Euphoria, GDP, AK and the lone Sour Kush are looking phenominal. Pumped the big girls with extra full strength Bioboost and 75/25 Flores/Vega tonight, they were getting thirsty. Along with the Cannazym of course.

Grapefruits are getting all Vega, Rhizo, and Zym waterings tomorrow. Maybe a touch or two of Flores just to start weening them off the Vega.

I was thinking about rearranging my lights so i can run 2 more lights on light movers in the middle of the 6. 15x11 room. 6k in there now. Everything looks great, but I am a man who wants the best. Any opinions on that?

Oh yea! Check out the 4 toped Euphoria!



Well-Known Member
week 2 on the big girls. the grapefruits have seemed to be vegging still for a soild 11 days into flowering. a few pistils are starting to emerge on each. TNR, Brainstorm, Euphoria, GDP, AK and the lone Sour Kush are looking phenominal. Pumped the big girls with extra full strength Bioboost and 75/25 Flores/Vega tonight, they were getting thirsty. Along with the Cannazym of course.

Grapefruits are getting all Vega, Rhizo, and Zym waterings tomorrow. Maybe a touch or two of Flores just to start weening them off the Vega.

I was thinking about rearranging my lights so i can run 2 more lights on light movers in the middle of the 6. 15x11 room. 6k in there now. Everything looks great, but I am a man who wants the best. Any opinions on that?

Oh yea! Check out the 4 toped Euphoria!
lookin great man keep up the good work !!!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Getting some Matanuska Valley Thunder Fuck, Mango, and ISS into my rotation here soon! Loving the Grapefruit and TNR. TNR is a absolutely amazing plant so far. Glad I have clones of it!