I call this little baby "The Ripper" Enjoy :D


Well-Known Member
I started this design off a friend of mine that did it all wrong. I just improved on the design and came up with "The Ripper" Here is the sketch on building it.
If it doesn't come in where you can read it visit this link
The Ripper

Use it or don't use it, IDGAF :finger:
To those of you who do I say enjoy :joint:

This is a great way to smoke on a low budget sac ;-)

I was just informed by a friend that this is considered a Knife Rip or Hot Knife Rips :D I'll still call mine "The Ripper" I think it sounds best :D


Well-Known Member
Probably not the safest idea having a loaded buddy hold 2 hot knives while you take a massive rip.......... I would love to try it though :)'


Man, maybe I'll post up some of the shit me and my bro make.
Hamster water bottle, for example. Take the bottle, drill / punch a hole through it on the side. Punch a bigger hole on top, put a bowl off an old metal pipe (screw it in), hit from the bottom. Also acceptable is to use the feeder part of the device with the metal ball removed.

Vase bong: Platic flower vase, drill 2 holes, one for a bowl (the feeder from the hamster bottle works GREAT here), one for the carb. Fill with ice / water / slushy, hit from top.

I have others, but, this is enough for now ^_^


Well-Known Member
I do basically the same shit but use antennas for the stem and it works great. I will take some pictures of my home made shit haha. Share your shit here guys don't be shy about taking this 1 over I wont mind haha


Well-Known Member
Hell Yeah I love these Ghetto contraptions (no offense)... Only stoners could be so creative!!!!! Mad props peeps...


No offense taken, ghetto is the perfect word to describe these works. I'll take some pics up tomorrow when I read this topic and realise I posted in it. For now, I gotta make sure they 'look' used ;)