I came for all the good Biden posts

The Federal Reserve is a private company. Last time the "government" was going to make it's own money, JFK got bumped off for daring to consider that.

I donated some eggs yesterday to a poor guy that lives in a camper. Charity!
That’s how you “get around it”. So I was right
He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything except for getting his rocks off by playing around here.

I’d give him a Bobbitt if I ever met him. You know he’s a pedophile right? Seriously, he thinks 12 year old girls are open season. He makes me want to vomit.

Wait you're gonna vomit into your mask!?
Here's what I make for for breakfast every Friday morning, I call it the "18 wheeler delight"

3 scrambled eggs
3 Eckrich cheddar Smok-y links
2 pieces buttered wheat toast
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Hey, do you like my OG Raskal coffee cup? It's my favorite coffee cup I have. I've had that cup for a long time, I got from Attitude seed bank when I ordered some seeds
But I wouldn’t turn this down if put in front of me either. Happy Friday. #ToastNeedsMoreButter
Just to try and help derail this conversation.....

I’ve been on a chai tea kick lately. A couple pieces of toast/bagel/english muffin, some chai, and a few sticky bowls. #BreakfastOfChampions
Do you make your own chai tea, or buy it ready to drink?
Do you make your own chai tea, or buy it ready to drink?
Just started getting into it during this pandemic. Still trying different brands and even bought a sampler pack. Hadn’t considered making my own but you’ve just inspired me. Any suggestions on where to start my research?