ban me.Looks like that leg got screwed.........Ouch..
yea i was wondering, how could riu discriminate against you because your neck? i dont like saying neck hole sounds so rude...but does this mean riu can see me thru my computer screen...lmao sorry im high...
dam fdd is that your knee? man i feel for ya thats a horrible injury. may i ask what happened? my buddy broke his Tib and Fib and god dam did that look FUCKED! leg was at a 90 degree angleyou call that a wound? you're lucky, you get to talk like a robot now.
this is a wound, ........ View attachment 243833 View attachment 243834
dam fdd is that your knee? man i feel for ya thats a horrible injury. may i ask what happened? my buddy broke his Tib and Fib and god dam did that look FUCKED! leg was at a 90 degree angle
i got it caught in a cement mixer. you should see my forehead.
exactly... nuff saidgod... "i can do this all day" just equates to "i have no life"
its so pointless to try and piss people off. its the internet! come on lollooks like he gave up.