I can not cool this damn 400w


Active Member
i know plenty of people that grow some serious weight outdoors.it's doable if you have the energy.


Active Member
I have found the same problem with my 400. But the way i got round that was to install mister and it seems to cool the air temp down. You dont want it on for too long. Admittedly it raises the humidity but they like a bit of moisture in the air ir keeps the leaves nice and green.


Active Member
I'm only looking to do like 4 to 6 plants. but 2 cabs ,so veg will be ready when the flower is harvested constantly rotating

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Hey Big Bud,

are you pulling air across your tubes from outside your cab or from inside through a carbon filter or something ?

thanks man!
suck the air over the lamp is what i do the air is coming in from outside the box no filer was used in that box vented up the chimbly stack to the outside


Well-Known Member
Dude, take and put one of the PC fans at the intake hole to blow cool air in. I had this problem as well but now I am good. I do have an exhaust rated at 197 cfm's but try to force the cool air in the cab first. I'd tried so many different combo's.
