I can use some help here.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
yea, looks like the heat may be causing that. pretty sure i read that fresno farmer was using a shade cloth. he has a journal going i believe. ask him in his thread. he will give u the info I'm almost positive.


Well-Known Member
If it were an indoor grow I'd suggest using a silica product like Botanicare's Silica Blast. It makes plants tougher/harder, able to withstand stresses like heat, drought, cold.

If it's applicable to outdoors, I'd recommend it.


Well-Known Member
A plant will do amazing things to adjust to weather conditions. Have you ever seen any of the gourd family of plants in the dog days of summer (pumpkin, cantaloupe, squash ect.)? You would think they're dying the way the leaves droop during the day. But they bounce back as soon as the sun dies a bit. The same applies to MJ. You're plant looks fine the only thing I see might be an upward curl on one of the fan leaves. Keep a eye on her but in general I think she's fine.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a out door grow,temps can cause the leaves to curl canoeing,nothing to worrie about it looks fine


Well-Known Member
Its hot brother. She will adapt and overcome. Make sure she has enough water but not too much. I would foliage feed it some Superthrive. AT NIGHT, Without a flashlight.

If you spray her during the day, those little water drops become magnifying glasses.

Looks beautiful though. Good Luck