I cannot tell the sex of the plant


Well-Known Member
Can you get any closer with your pic? It's hard to tell from that 1. If I had to guess and thats all it is, I'd say it's a male... Sorry.


Well-Known Member
How far along is it into flowering man? That picture is not very close but by the looks of it man itlooks male :(


Well-Known Member
I know that this may be a male plant but if you can telll for sure please help...thanks

Can't tell from that picture. I hear so many people tell others their plants are male when you can hardly see anything and then a bunch of us say leave it until you know. Trust me, you will know. Let it keep going, if hairs appear it is female, if it grows balls it's male. It's to early to say from the look of it. A lot of time people will tell you it's male then it turns out to be female, so trust me don't rush it. I don't understand why so many here seem like they want others just to destroy plants for no reason. Just relax buddy and you will know when the time is right.
that would be a male. look at the lil balls forming at the stalk. when it gets the wirey hairs comin out you know its a female. but you got ballls on that


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get a guess for myself before checking other posts and I think others as well as myself believe that thats going to be a male. Looks like sacs instead of hairs :(