I can't find a solution


So we are closing in on 5 weeks of vegging here, and something came up in the last few days.
From about the midsection of the girls and down, the leaves are wilting severely. Only a select few are yellow, for the most part the leaves that are drooping are a rich green and do not seem too dry or moist. The half of the plant looks excellent.

My setup is 12 blue dream plants from clones under a 1000w HPS. Soil is Amazon Bloom. Earth Juice Bloom, Grow and Catalyst were used as according to grassburner419's post on the last watering which was 8 days ago. We just watered again today with food which is hindsight might not have been the greatest idea before consulting these boards. Temp is about 76-80 average and 52% humidity.

So any advice guys? :roll:



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I'm sorry if this has been answered before or something but I searched and came up with nothing exactly similar and the sticky megathread is way too much to sort through

Anyone have an answer?


Well-Known Member
hey man i have never had a problem like urs. that is wierd how sum parts of ur plant is perky and sum are droopy as hell. the only thing i can think of is looks to b a watering problem. do u have proper drainage? are u letting it sit in runoff water left in ur catch tray? sry i cant b of much help but hope u git it sort out soon. also if i wer u i wood prune sum of that under growth cux it looks like ther is no air flow to the bottom of ur plants
give your plants room to breath you have too many in one spot and they are probably fighting for light and CO2.
Leaves die its part of the cycle, just pull them off...but spread them out first or thin out the herd


Thanks a lot for the input guys its greatly appreciated. I was thinking it may be too congested so I will thin out most of the dead to dying leaves and try to make some room. Also will be putting in another fan to circulate, some CFL's to go under the plants and maybe some dry ice??


Well-Known Member
if i wer u if the parts of the plants that is droopy as fuck doesnt bounce back in a few days id go ahed and prune that also and point ur other fan at the base of the plants so u can git sum airflow down ther


Active Member
its possible that you underwatered them and then shocked them by watering too much with ferts. did you say you waited 8 days before you watered again? whats your ph and ppm do yo know? dont let the roots get too dry or they will die. flush them good and monitor their water intake. they look dry and wilted to me dont prune it while its recovering youll stress the plant out more.