i cant get high anymore :(


Well-Known Member
i know a lot of people have been smoking this consistantly for a lot longer but i have been smoking all day everyday since late august and now even if i smoke a joint that weighs out to a gram im only high for about 2 hours TOPS. yesterday i smoked a j and was only high for forty minutes. its so ANNOYING!

is there any way to get higher i.e. eating it any recipies or anything.... but i think i know what youre all going to say. to not smoke so much. :o
Take a 2 week break from smoking to lower your tolerance. I like taking a few hits and being high for a few hours.... I hate being chained to the bong to try and stay high, so when I notice that happening I just take a break from it for a few weeks.
The more you use the less it's going to work. All you have to do is take a break every now and then, like a week off.

You can grind a nug up and drink it in a glass of milk even if you want to try edibles. (I mean for those of us who don't want to cook)
so you got two options smoke more(or eat more) or smoke less.
Floridagirl has good sound advice.(-) had very logical advice.
I say do both, smoke more just lie about it.
haha smoke more and lie about it? i wanted to buy a volcano but its so damn expensive!! lol but what was that thing about putting a nug in milk wtf does that do?! i would imagine nothing. i think i have to face the music and quit for a week or two lol its just hard when youre surrounded by it
i know a lot of people have been smoking this consistantly for a lot longer but i have been smoking all day everyday since late august and now even if i smoke a joint that weighs out to a gram im only high for about 2 hours TOPS. yesterday i smoked a j and was only high for forty minutes. its so ANNOYING!

is there any way to get higher i.e. eating it any recipies or anything.... but i think i know what youre all going to say. to not smoke so much. :o

Personally for me I dont last much longer than half hour, but the amount it takes for me to get high is nothing.

Try to take a break for a bit. How long is up to you. When you start back up try smoking joints to start with.

I blame short highs on too much bong usage.

What is your main smoking utensil?
i mainly use my trusty bowl. i had a bong. it broke. before that that was my main use i loved that thing. but recently my gf bought me another one. 100 dollars and it fucking leaks!!!! so thats why i barely use it. normally just a bowl. occassionally a j or b.
i mainly use my trusty bowl. i had a bong. it broke. before that that was my main use i loved that thing. but recently my gf bought me another one. 100 dollars and it fucking leaks!!!! so thats why i barely use it. normally just a bowl. occassionally a j or b.

Well, maybe its the other way around. Have you hit a bong in a while?

If not you should hook up with a buddy or something who has one and blast a cone down and hold it in until you turn blue:spew:
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i know a lot of people have been smoking this consistantly for a lot longer but i have been smoking all day everyday since late august and now even if i smoke a joint that weighs out to a gram im only high for about 2 hours TOPS. yesterday i smoked a j and was only high for forty minutes. its so ANNOYING!

is there any way to get higher i.e. eating it any recipies or anything.... but i think i know what youre all going to say. to not smoke so much. :o

hahaha i can hardly even get high of a joint anymore :( It sucks big time :(
i've smoked skunk/hash/weed daily for months, but i don't have any problem getting high.

meditation helps u to get more stoned.
just put on some chilled music, sit in a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths, and watch your thoughts drift away
when you gain tolerance, it's your cannabinoid receptors making themselves less available. therefore, the more you smoke the less you get high. and eventually no matter how much you smoke you wont get higher than a certain point due to lack of receptors.

quitting for a day straight then changing your smoking habits can help a lot. a week will totally change your tolerance and you'll get ripped.
Sometimes it's because you just need to change it up to a different kind. If I keep getting the same stuff for weeks I get to where it doesn't seem to do much for me either. Then I get something different, and all is well again.

Cutting back or quitting for a few weeks as suggested works too, but where's the fun in that? :mrgreen: