I can't get in my tent

i keep anything heat generating outside the tent(except the light of course... lol) . Power strip, air pumps. Id put it outside the tent, and run longer air tubing, extension cord if necessary.
That would be nice not having to duck, dodge and weave around stuff, in the not to distant future I'll be cutting back to one plant, and I'm thinking of buying one of the tents you mentioned that open up on all sides.

Does anyone have experience with the 4 sides open tents, what is the frame like for quality, a decent fan, filter and parabolic requires a sturdy frame.
You look after yours I'll take of mine, I'm not looking for picky stupid comments.
The red light is fucking dead!

Excuse me? Picky comments? Not much experience? I just stated the obvious and tried to help you avoiding herms and short circuits, since you clearly barely have a clue what you are doing. You can't even wire your tent properly. Before you go off calling people inexperienced I suggest you take a long hard look at your own pathetic mess of a setup. I'm OUT. Have fun with your Mickey Mouse operation, DORK!
You think tents suck but you use one.
Just because you made the wrong choice all tents are to blame?
A bad worker blames his tools.
I have a small tent and have used larger ones before, its always the same issue; being able to maximize canopy space comes at the expense of being able to work on the plants, or even visualize them at times.
But no, I have a real growroom. The tent is just a little hobby.20210205_205628.jpg
I often see photos of a plant in a tent and nothing else i wonder htf do they manage, I need all sorts of gear to keep everything right.
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And there's a dehumidifier at the back, I almost need to shoehorn it in lol
How do you guys/gals get by without all the gear?

I run a few tents in an "isolation" area for incoming clones. These get run out and clones taken from the plants right before the "flip".....
I also run tents for breeding.
It's simple as hell to dial in a tent and you don't need a shit ton of "stuff" to make it work right....Control the environment the tent is in first. Then do the tent!
I run a few tents in an "isolation" area for incoming clones. These get run out and clones taken from the plants right before the "flip".....
I also run tents for breeding.
It's simple as hell to dial in a tent and you don't need a shit ton of "stuff" to make it work right....Control the environment the tent is in first. Then do the tent!
I don't have any problems with tents. It's easier for me to control variables in a smaller area than a larger one. Where I live, its negative temps here. I have forced air heat, so it dries out my inside air terribly. My house rh is 10%. It's easier for me to keep humidity in my tent at 50% than it would be the room that the tent is in.
I don't have any problems with tents. It's easier for me to control variables in a smaller area than a larger one. Where I live, its negative temps here. I have forced air heat, so it dries out my inside air terribly. My house rh is 10%. It's easier for me to keep humidity in my tent at 50% than it would be the room that the tent is in.
On the flipside though, humidity here in the summer is terrible. I fight to keep the humidity down in the tent, but I fight to keep it down in the room also.
I run a few tents in an "isolation" area for incoming clones. These get run out and clones taken from the plants right before the "flip".....
I also run tents for breeding.
It's simple as hell to dial in a tent and you don't need a shit ton of "stuff" to make it work right....Control the environment the tent is in first. Then do the tent!
That sounds ideal if you can do it, but It's never that straightforward it's dependent on your country/latitude/grow area, an attic/coal house for example in the UK that's not feasible for 2 reasons noise and cost, it would cost me a small fortune on electricity which I can't afford atm, with multiple tents like yourself that's justified but not in my situation/area.
It's barely been above freezing for last 3/4 weeks, the average humidity throughout the year is 80%.
Howd ya go?
Oh sorry man!
I thought that link the chap posted would've satisfied your curiosity so never done as I've no real reason to.
I did find a photo of the one just after I'd prepared it to go under the net.
It's the back right plant.
That link explains it better than I ever could lol
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I don't have any problems with tents. It's easier for me to control variables in a smaller area than a larger one. Where I live, its negative temps here. I have forced air heat, so it dries out my inside air terribly. My house rh is 10%. It's easier for me to keep humidity in my tent at 50% than it would be the room that the tent is in.

Whole house humidifier - Goes on the cold air return at the furnace. Cheapest way to do it.....