I cant pinpoint the deficiency


Active Member
At first I thought it was Magnesium then I thought it was Potassium but now I am thinking it is Calcium.... It is only one of three plants that are affected so I am not sure what could be causing it. The white spots are from me trying to foiler feed some nutes. This particular plant also has been suffering from nute burn for a while. The last two pics show the healthy ones.


3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I've seen something similar on my foliage when spidermites get on them, Also those spots remind me of a time when I had too much C02 in my room (is that even possible?) I mean, I had yeast and sugar mixed together and my container wasnt sealed so well and i thought the excess gas is what caused those spots.

Other than that maybe someone else can chime in...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's the smallest things we change that make huge impact. One thing I notice, you have the plants directly on the floor. Normally that's not an issue, but looks like you're in the basement, so straight to the concrete. Plants HATE being right on the concrete like that, it sucks the life right out of them. Place a 2" buffer, plastic shelving, etc. I noticed there's perhaps cardboard and tin foil/mylar, either way, raise 'em up a bit.


Active Member
Im using Bcuzz Hydromix HP, Sensi Grow and Bloom A&B, Big bud,and Liquid Carbo Load

I'll raise them off the floor more!


Active Member
Ok I think I might know the problem. I am using Optimum Hydroponix 17% PH down. When I use this am I only suppose to use a few drops per litre? I added more than I believe I was suppose to and I think my Ph meter is garbage and not working measuring the soil correctly. I added probably about 5-6ml in a litre. Could this be the issue resulting in a Calcium/ Magnesium and Iron lockout?


see the pictures i posted above?

See the PH absorbtion chart.

Answering your question, if you dropped your PH to low, then yes, your nute locked.

As for a solution to this problem, i do not grow in soil so i would only be guessing BUT,

Flush them with water twice? im recalling what ive read and im probly wrong.


Active Member
correction. Looks like ph is out, also flush the soil with ph 6.5 water.

Would it be a good idea to use some of the PH perfect sensi grow/blossum I have? For some reason at the same store the Sensi Bloom that I am using is not PH perfect. I figure It would get those much needed micro nutes to the plant while the bloom nutes are locked out while I fix the PH.


Active Member
This is a far fetched guess but it looks like I saw some purple on the leaves. Is it possible that your grow room is getting too cold or has a cool breeze coming in from somewhere?


Active Member
Yea it does dip to around 64 Fahrenheit in the basement but there's not too much I can do about it. Canada Eh.


Active Member
That doesn't seem too bad but I bet the purple you see on the leaves is from the cool temps. Sorry I don't have any other help to offer.


Active Member
Just curious.....are you adjusting pH of water before using and if so, how? Adding alkaline products such as pH up and silica will cause C to precipitate out of solution in the form of calcium phosphate and you end up with "phantom" C issues. If you are using an alkaline product and adding it straight to res without dilution then this is your problem. This is simple first year high school chemistry. This is not a final pH issue but rather a mixing issue.

If you aren't using said products then disregard. Peace.


Active Member
Yes GK1 I am doing that but with PH down. I added it to the 2L bottle without dilution. I will mix it with water first from now on. I believe that with a combination of the PH being to low was the problem. Just to update fan 3 leaves are 40-50% calcium def damage and 4-5 have just the edges a bit discoloured but its better massive stinky buds then the two healthy ones!

The 3 plants all started at the same time but are growing at different rates. I would say the 2nd is a week behind and 3rd maybe a week and a half to two weeks. Is this normal?


Active Member
That is at least one of the issues. I bet you will see a huge improvement, quickly. Cal has been locked up so its a good idea to add a supplement for a while. i suggest mixing your nutes and pulling off a small amount into a jar and adding the pH up to that. It will be diluted and then add back. This is preferred to adding first because you will jack pH too high before nutes and that will lock out N. pH lockout is far more often about proper mixing of nutes/reagents than it is final number. Cutting edge soutions prefers pH as low as 4.5 to adding pH up. Flairform suggests same and has an interesting take on the history of 6.2 being the best. http://www.flairform.com/hints/ph_optimum.htm I should write up a sticky.....its so common and no one ever talks about it. How does that happen Mods? Peace.


Active Member
Plants often grow at different rates....it is also a good idea to look into why when the difference is marked. Peace.