I cant recognize this deficiency?

din'e medicine

Active Member
Or Potas? I transplanted the rockwool into an organic mix with Spaghnum and perlite. No ferts at first week in the soil except for the Blood meal.

Brick Top

New Member
I do not grow from clones so it would be best to listen to the advice of those with a good amount of experience growing from clones but when you see purple color on leaves like I see in your pictures that can be caused by a phosphorus deficiency.

If that is the case you will see slow or stunted growth, red stems, dark or purple discoloration on the leaves, smaller leaves that are dark green, lower leaves yellow and die. The fix is to add chemical fertilizer containing P. The affected leaves will not show recovery but new growth will appear normal.
Phosphorus (P) is necessary for photosynthesis and works as a catalyst for energy transfer within the plant. Phosphorus helps build strong roots and is vital for flower and seed production. Highest levels of phosphorus are used during germination, seedling growth and flowering. Deficiencies will show in older leaves first. Leaves turn deep green on a uniformly smaller, stunted plant. Leaves show brown or purple spots.

Now it may be something different so wait to hear from enough experienced clone users before doing anything but in general when it comes to herb plants a dark/purple discoloration on leaves is a P problem and not from an excess of it.


Well-Known Member
Could be one of the above but before adding anything first thing i would do is flush the shit out of these poor clones.What strain are they it may sound stupid but if it is a strain that has this coulour in the foilige this could be the answer.I had a mk ultra clone that had a simular coulour to her when she was young but lost it has she grew.This could be a temp problem if the plants are too cold at night and then too hot during the day this can also give a plnt coulour.


Well-Known Member
its not strain related its def a P deficiency. i know this isnt a marijuana leaf, but the deficiencies still look the same


din'e medicine

Active Member
My ph is an average 7.6. Its high but the plant grows well. Those leaves are the only ones from two clones. I havent had anymore on my girls. Not even any marks or disconfiguration. there growing good and My oldest one drinks alot. Its takes full doses of fox farm and needs to be watered every 4-5 days. I need to adjust the ph and get it down to 6.8 atleast. Thanks for your help guys. It gave me a clear and better understanding.


Well-Known Member
I only asked cos I've seen similar colouring on my plants when I tried molasses. I stopped using it and the problem went away. Guess it's something different here if you don't use it.

Brick Top

New Member
If you took and grew clones would I be correct to assume that you used rockwool? If so did you fully flush your rockwool with pH neutral water before use? Rockwool cubes are not pH neutral and the first step is to pH balance the rockwool cubes. It not problems will follow.
Also did you let the clones grow until their roots protruded through the rockwool before planting or have you not yet planted? If you planted and your plants had an insufficient root mass they may be struggling to take in all the nutrients they need. Based on the purplish discoloration seen in your pictures I tend to doubt that is your problem but I thought I would mention it anyway.

din'e medicine

Active Member
If you took and grew clones would I be correct to assume that you used rockwool? If so did you fully flush your rockwool with pH neutral water before use? Rockwool cubes are not pH neutral and the first step is to pH balance the rockwool cubes. It not problems will follow.
Also did you let the clones grow until their roots protruded through the rockwool before planting or have you not yet planted? If you planted and your plants had an insufficient root mass they may be struggling to take in all the nutrients they need. Based on the purplish discoloration seen in your pictures I tend to doubt that is your problem but I thought I would mention it anyway.
Well, they came from my local dispensary. They were freshly rooted and good looking to me. I did have one problem with one, but it was overcame after time and precautions.