I cant roll a joint


Well-Known Member
It's all in the first pinch and put more weed at the outsides than in the middle it makes for a nice even joint. Trying to learn with really dried out brickweed makes it tougher also so use some good sticky shit.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
get yourself 2 packs of zig zag and some italian seasoning. it's hard to describe how to roll but i can give you some tips that changed the way i roll.

never EVER worry about the stuff falling out the ends. more people fuck up their joints by focusing on silly things like crumbs when they should be focused on rolling. you can work on keeping the herb in the paper later. if you need to, start out with more herb than you'll need if you always knock a bunch out.

once you've placed the herb in the paper, focus on spreading it as evenly as you can before you start rolling. if you knock stuff out a lot like mentioned above, ovecompensate by overfilling the ends a bit.

i think the part where most people fuck up is the "sealing" or sticking the paper. when i first "managed" to roll decent joints, what i would do is stick the paper in the middle, and then tear on each side of where i stuck it to form two "end flaps", and then stick the ends one at a time. this helped me to get the ends tighter if you can get a visual of what i'm describing (stoned, sorry).

joint rolling is a lifelong work in progress. as long as you can find a way to get consistant smokable results, you will get better without even trying.


Well-Known Member
damn im smoking this and im feeling pretty nice, its burning somewhat fast, but that could just be because the weed is somewhat drier than usual


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude just takes practice. It took me a long time to roll a j up but i got it down. I found it alot more easy to roll with more bud cuz i can controll it better and even out the weed while keeping it tight. I also use a grinder to break down my weed before i roll it. I hate when u get a small stem or something and it busts a hole n ur shit so i try and get it all to an even consistancy.


Well-Known Member
i can roll joints by hand but my friend recently gave me a rolling machine and i kind of like it... you just break up the weed and turn the wheel, then put the paper in and turn, lick, turn some more - perfect joint!!


Active Member
Try doubling the papers so its a lil more forgiving when u practice then when u get better use 1 paper..


Well-Known Member
Good thing they've shown you how to roll a joint. Now NEVER smoke a blunt again, please! In my opinion it ruins smoke. My chron tastes to good to ruin it with blunt taste.


Well-Known Member
Ugh so for the most part, I always either smoke out of pipes, or blunts. I can make a blunt happen, but for some reason joints escape me. Ive been trying and trying but nothing I do seems to work. When I finally get it rolled, its not tight enough. And thats if I even manage to get it rolled! Help, cause youtube isnt helping me at all.
Next time you go to try rolling a J, make sure your index fingers stay straight. Do not bend them. And then all you have to do is roll up with your thumbs. Remember!!! You can roll it up and down pretty much as many times as you want(until its right)


New Member
has anyone said, just watch somebody... its hard, but watch someone who can, and do that... this is why Mexicans take our jobs...


Well-Known Member
I can't either! Blunts n Bowls!

Ugh so for the most part, I always either smoke out of pipes, or blunts. I can make a blunt happen, but for some reason joints escape me. Ive been trying and trying but nothing I do seems to work. When I finally get it rolled, its not tight enough. And thats if I even manage to get it rolled! Help, cause youtube isnt helping me at all.


Well-Known Member
I use a cardboard filter and a pinch of tobacco (added to grinder). Probably the reason i smoke joints so chronically lol


Well-Known Member
I watched a stripper smoke a cigar from her pussy before...jus sayin
ok, we get it.

you can stop changing your avatar so often and constantly trying to talk up your experiences with women.

it is completely obvious to me that you have latently homosexual desires and only by going overboard in the opposite direction can you quell your cognitive dissonance.

btw urca, just get a joint roller. $3 or so and a perfect joint every time.


Active Member
Try using a dollar bill, or lick the ends and lightly roll one inside and one outside crreating a little pocket. Haha I'm fucked fold paper first lol. Fill said pocket with goodness and roll it up spark and enjoy, rolled ends should keep goodies in pocket and not let it roll out the ends


New Member
oh shit talking about folding, I ALWAYS take the non glue long side and put the edge with the middle fold, then crease it. It makes forming the joint MUCH more easier. It also makes holding the joint before rolling it easier. Its so damn awkward when theres no crease on the lower half.