i certainly hope this isn't faded's HiJack

HiJack belongs to FDD. I've been hearing about that shat since I logged on to this site years ago. Alwas someone trying to copy a strain or name...
well i had my people talk to their people,it was set up so my people would meet their people on neutral grounds,but my people against my orders(something about Canada hockey gold,and hang overs and flying) invited their people here for a sit down,well to make a long story short,soon as their people saw my people appeared to boast fake grade 12 diplomas which were hung proudly from the wall and illuminated by a light covered with a crimson green shade,well we never had a chance.one of my people has a fear of being tied up,and he was threatened to be tied up with litigation,that has to be worse then rope.but fdd i have the full support of the trappers guild on this one,so were putting away the GED,s and bringing out our ace in the hole,this ace in the hole claims to for got more then most of us know,not sure if that's good or bad,but we will see,also they don't have all their fingers lost from frost bite so their able to send correspondence by email,so it may be OK yet,trust us my friend,trust us.
"We were about 5 miles out of Humboldt when the drugs began to take hold--------must have been that damn HiJack from FDD".
yeah, i tried to contact them and it got kicked back to me. said it couldn't be delivered to that address.
fdd have you received any more information on this,we are still scouring our archives at the trappers shack(hidden location)and we still have you as the original and only authorized carrier of hijack.Also we want to assure you that we will bring the truth to the top.And with trapping season looking to be short this year because of funky climate we may be able to put 1 or 2 more trappers on this.
well i had my people talk to their people,it was set up so my people would meet their people on neutral grounds,but my people against my orders(something about Canada hockey gold,and hang overs and flying) invited their people here for a sit down,well to make a long story short,soon as their people saw my people appeared to boast fake grade 12 diplomas which were hung proudly from the wall and illuminated by a light covered with a crimson green shade,well we never had a chance.one of my people has a fear of being tied up,and he was threatened to be tied up with litigation,that has to be worse then rope.but fdd i have the full support of the trappers guild on this one,so were putting away the GED,s and bringing out our ace in the hole,this ace in the hole claims to for got more then most of us know,not sure if that's good or bad,but we will see,also they don't have all their fingers lost from frost bite so their able to send correspondence by email,so it may be OK yet,trust us my friend,trust us.

i want what he is smokin !! :eyesmoke:
probably his own hijack...fuck it if i can't make $ off my name than neither can you-forget who said that
probably his own hijack...fuck it if i can't make $ off my name than neither can you-forget who said that
thats the thing about hijack it really fucks you up,a few months back someone told a friend of a friend that fdd got high on some hijack,he was so impressed he told the friend of a friend he wanted to get some,the guy didn't know it was fdd,s strain so he googled it and his buddy told him it was listed at the place mentioned,so fdd higher then 5 kites told him to order hijack.shit i know it sounds messed up,but like i have said hijack fucks you up.im am trying to verify the story so maybe fdd can shed some light on this story floating from one trapline to the next.
thats the thing about hijack it really fucks you up,a few months back someone told a friend of a friend that fdd got high on some hijack,he was so impressed he told the friend of a friend he wanted to get some,the guy didn't know it was fdd,s strain so he googled it and his buddy told him it was listed at the place mentioned,so fdd higher then 5 kites told him to order hijack.shit i know it sounds messed up,but like i have said hijack fucks you up.im am trying to verify the story so maybe fdd can shed some light on this story floating from one trapline to the next.

Shut ur TRAP:fire:This is real shit. Nothing to FUCK around with. Put in or get out!
why the fuck do you think i asked if he asked subby who hawks his beans at conasuer what was heppening,so i put some fuckin humor in it but i surely dont want them scamming him.so fuck you.do i think they are trying to scam the name,the seed game is the shadiest people on earth,their is no honor by 90% of the seed makers,so ya they probaby intend to try to get away with it,if they lack that much class,and since they have not responded i imagine they dont have their story strait.
i have never wanted to edit a post as much as the one were i talk about violence like i did above,it disturbs me that i allowed my self to let my mind go places i have worked hard to leave behind,i do not condone the language and i would like to personally apologize to sagensour for the tone i took.their is no place for violence on this forum,and if i knew how to delete it believe me i would.
Those pricks at cannaseur are using your name to rename Jack Herer as i understand. :spew:

First of all, the Jack Herer that i got at a club about 8 months ago sucked. Wasn't very mind altering like it should be and the taste was bland. :o

So, yah those guys probably frequent this site and decided to use your variety's good reputation, its notoriety, and your hard work to sell their watered-down SHIT! :evil::evil::evil:

I guess we should all expose their bullshit site for what it is. We have proof. :hump::joint::weed:
FDD have you got a hold of cannaseur yet?

for the third time now, ...

i tried to send them an email and it got sent back as "undeliverable". i don't know what else more i can do.

i started this thread. do a google search of "hijack marijuana" and see if it comes up. :wink: