I come off as pro mccain?oops.


Well-Known Member
...My bad!
I do not support john mccain for president!(maybe the old john)
I'm a republican,this is true. but not of this 21st century so-called republican party that has been on display.
(they are undercover democrats dress as.....)
Composition B: RDX - TNT is how I would describe both parties and how they need each other/work with each other for a common goal.

The reason why I down play mostly the democrats is because they are about to have total control.

'That aint good news for you and sure as hell aint good news for me'.

Most Obama supporters can't even say why they support him.
This makes me question the thinking of Obama supporters, just alittle.
Obama doesn't qualify to be president, I don't know any other way to say that, but it's true.This also answers why I can't get anyone who does support him tell me why. endless he was born with the skills needed, he will be under control of thoes who have, much like bush was the puppet needed at the time. puppeteers named dodd, frank, pelosi and bill richardson scare the shit out of me, don't know about you.
We are about to repeat the 2000 election all over again. Hell, even gov. bush had more experience entering the white house,, and so does gov. palin for goodness sake.

Obamas a good guy and he's smart VS I'd have a beer with gov.bush, he's a good ol boy. extremely common thinking we have here, people.

I really think Obama is going to win.
I don't see any reason to even debate john mccain.

I want to debate what we are about to vote into all three houses.

Now, if mccain was pulling away in the race, believe you me,he would get it just as good.

In all fairness, Mccain quailfies to be president of the military. That's pretty much the job, folks. Not sure what some believe what the presidents roll is.

America needs someone with a economic background, so he/she will not be a patsy to the rape.
That is of most importance and really all I care about.
This thinking has lead me to the conclusion that they both are shit.
One is bullshit and the other is horseshit!!


Well-Known Member
As a Libertarian, these imbeciles 'round here feel that if I'm critical of their "Messiah" I'm automatically in favor of that idiot McCain. It's almost Pavlovian.

And as a Libertarian, I'm not supporting that closet fascist Bob Barr.


Active Member
As a Libertarian, these imbeciles 'round here feel that if I'm critical of their "Messiah" I'm automatically in favor of that idiot McCain. It's almost Pavlovian.

And as a Libertarian, I'm not supporting that closet fascist Bob Barr.

That is good to hear. I'm a libertarian (not a member of the party but by definition of position) and Bob Barr is by NO means a libertarian.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
As a Libertarian, these imbeciles 'round here feel that if I'm critical of their "Messiah" I'm automatically in favor of that idiot McCain. It's almost Pavlovian.

And as a Libertarian, I'm not supporting that closet fascist Bob Barr.
Maybe they just know it pisses you off. ;)

It may have to do with the Obama hating that a lot of McCain supporters are doing, ie, the somewhat flawed logic that many McCain supporters hate Obama, therefore someone who hates Obama is a McCain supporter.

But the real reason is probably that it's a lot easier to be a huge fucking cynic than to actually stand for something. It's easier to tear into someone else than to defend someone or something. Just read any comment posted to any political news article on any web site.


Well-Known Member
As my uncle would yell in a drunkin stupor years back...
never buy a used car from someone with a front tooth missing!
Never elect someone with a mustache!
lol I like barr, just something slimy about him that rubbes me the wrong way.
...might be the stache and the pinstriped glossy suits that I'm at odds with.


Well-Known Member

Obamas a good guy and he's smart VS I'd have a beer with gov.bush, he's a good ol boy. extremely common thinking we have here, people.

good guy and smart is comletley relevant while having a beer ins't at all. I don't know what you have against Obama


Well-Known Member
Obama has never even ran a lemonaide stand, never in the military, and has been running for president for as long as he's been a senator.

His leadship when it came to the bailout bill is a huge question mark, no?

'We can't have another on the job training president'
these are quotes from both clintons and biden....

I'd ask why your voting for Obama, but I;d hear some bullshit about mccain,bush ect ect ect. while you never really explain your support. no worries, it's common.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
I make no bones about what I stand for. What's your excuse?
I stand up for Obama all the time.

What makes you think I was referring to you? I was talking about anyone who's constantly railing against the government without even trying to come up with any solutions. Someone who immediately attacks McCain in response to an attack on Obama would fall into this category.


Well-Known Member
more blah blah bullshit.
You have 2600 post in 5 months.
.............Are you really that interesting?
comon, really?
Having a high post count isn't going to magically make you insightful.
speaking of: Great post btw.



Well-Known Member
To be honest, you and Dave and Dianne and Red all come off as bitter, hate filled assholes. You never seem to have a single positive thing to say about anything. Your posts are all filled with rage and negativity.

I can not guess what kind of strange satisfaction you get from posting this stuff at all. You seem to be constantly scratching at an itch which just won't heal. You're not trying to change anyone's minds with rational arguments, your goal just seems to enrage people with your lies and distortions, just like your idols Coulter and Savage and Limbaugh.

I feel sorry for people with such a world-view. Maybe you should all smoke more and read less of the extremist right wing bullshit that is so obviously making you so unhappy.

Just my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, you and Dave and Dianne and Red all come off as bitter, hate filled assholes. You never seem to have a single positive thing to say about anything. Your posts are all filled with rage and negativity.

I can not guess what kind of strange satisfaction you get from posting this stuff at all. You seem to be constantly scratching at an itch which just won't heal. You're not trying to change anyone's minds with rational arguments, your goal just seems to enrage people with your lies and distortions, just like your idols Coulter and Savage and Limbaugh.

I feel sorry for people with such a world-view. Maybe you should all smoke more and read less of the extremist right wing bullshit that is so obviously making you so unhappy.

Just my $0.02.
The air you breathe is shit!
The food you eat is also shit!
The water you drink, yep, shit!(yes, even bottled)
Media controlled by the governemnt(both parties)
Taxation without representation.
Infested with el bartos:nuff said.
constitutional rights...gone.
Open ports with ghost jihadist looming in the darkness.
Biggest rape in american history:only three weeks old.
social structure/political structure and hell even buliding structures:shit!
The economy: shit!
Inflation: shit about to hit the fan.
Future of america: bleak and scary.

Does that not explain my postings?
Not all of us can live in La La Land, with rainbows and puppy dog tails.
Some of us live in reality and see things for what they are.(where things are going)
Frankly, this country is starting to smell rotten.

Thanks for the advice, but even doing a few bong hits it seems the problems just don't go away, odd huh?