I could realy use advice on led plz

I read fine your the one with incomplete sentences and broken English. But I’ll chalk it up to autocorrect. Besides I have a couple of degrees going for a third. I’m a network engineer and have my own farm sooooo yah. I’m proud of you though you quoted someone. High five for you. By the way your the one who came off as a dick from the start but it’s all good lol.
Just woke for my nightly midnight munchie attack and thought I’d see what happened. I see Lord hoooha is? Isn’t that slang for a vagina these days? He who Spells Your when it shoulda been you’re but I guess auto correct will eve foul an engineers texting ability. But, enough splitting English hairs and insults, as entertaining as it may be. So, I love and respect farmers. I love being one myself. That being said, my question to you.....have you Ever used a homemade protein skim from expensively fed coy fish raised in a lg swimming pool?
Quantum boards, cobs, or if you're good at the DIY Samsung or EB gen2 strips. That's the best your gonna do. Amazing how quickly this thread turned into 2 "professional" whatevers trying to prove who has the bigger dick. .. Though I guess I'd side with hooha, he made the better light recommendation.
Hope this helps the OP.
This has actually hurt my head trying to read these incomprehensible posts.

But if anyone is interested I'd recommend buying LED quantum boards, strips or cobs fixtures. Even better to DIY build the whole thing yourself and save some money!
There are plenty of videos and tutorials available on the internet now days, so anyone can do it.
This has actually hurt my head trying to read these incomprehensible posts.

But if anyone is interested I'd recommend buying LED quantum boards, strips or cobs fixtures. Even better to DIY build the whole thing yourself and save some money!
There are plenty of videos and tutorials available on the internet now days, so anyone can do it.
What is incomprehensible is wasting valuable time building a light to save a few bucks. Maybe Your is worthless, mine is not.
This has actually hurt my head trying to read these incomprehensible posts.

But if anyone is interested I'd recommend buying LED quantum boards, strips or cobs fixtures. Even better to DIY build the whole thing yourself and save some money!
There are plenty of videos and tutorials available on the internet now days, so anyone can do it.
Sorry, unless of course you enjoy that sort of thing.
Has anyone ever heard of or used a -Blomm- yes the spelling is correct growlight it appears to be very nice with a cxb 2540 5000k cree cob centered between 86 5w bridglux red blue ir and uv full spectrum and stating 1300ppf at 24 in and 800 ppfd at same 24 in im super impressed with spectrum overview seems similar to optic 2 but hard to find any users or you tube so..... ever seen or heard of it
Or does anyone have an opinion on the optic 2 for a 7 sq ft grow plenty of hieght 35 in wide x 29 in deep
Sorry I didn’t respond directly to your question. New guys man...... your room size , and other factors that could be surmised from that information led me to recommend the Bloomboss Fusion 600. Mainly it was the shape that made me immediately think of this particular piece of equipment. Your room sounds like a good match for its footprint. It’s Not easy to find legit, reasonably priced LEDs, muchless a single unit with a rectangular print like the Fusion. My Kind 1000’s are big, square and a little warm or I’d recommend it hands down, with supplemental UVB. I also have several 50w, 16ft strips that are very versatile and effective. But since you DO have good height, Cali Lightworks, Solar System line may also be a good possibility for you. Plus they have a really good UVB supplemental fixture for around $180. LumiGrow also makes good stuff, but twice as expensive. I was one of the biggest Anti LED guys there were, but they are clearly practical and effective. Sure double ended will out produce but with ALOT of baggage. And Don’t forget these lights quickly repay you so get the best fixture you can afford.
Sorry I didn’t respond directly to your question. New guys man...... your room size , and other factors that could be surmised from that information led me to recommend the Bloomboss Fusion 600. Mainly it was the shape that made me immediately think of this particular piece of equipment. Your room sounds like a good match for its footprint. It’s Not easy to find legit, reasonably priced LEDs, muchless a single unit with a rectangular print like the Fusion. My Kind 1000’s are big, square and a little warm or I’d recommend it hands down, with supplemental UVB. I also have several 50w, 16ft strips that are very versatile and effective. But since you DO have good height, Cali Lightworks, Solar System line may also be a good possibility for you. Plus they have a really good UVB supplemental fixture for around $180. LumiGrow also makes good stuff, but twice as expensive. I was one of the biggest Anti LED guys there were, but they are clearly practical and effective. Sure double ended will out produce but with ALOT of baggage. And Don’t forget these lights quickly repay you so get the best fixture you can afford.
Also. I know these electronics experts will have fun with this, and they may be correct concerning their construction, but I’m a grower, I GROW, I don’t take apart lights, but the Gen 3 GalaxyHydro are SOLID and daisy chainable and inexpensive. My experience with engineers is that that usually possess very little field experience, relying too much on technical specifications that often don’t apply in real world hands on applications. Hope you do great man. Lmk what way you go and how well you do!
It’s about angle, chip size, and most importantly, accurate measuring equipment. Who gives a shit who turns the screws, as long as it’s not me. I grow not tinker
I didn’t start the spelling war. The guy is on a toy light budget in a toy light room. I’ve used many, never said I still used A single piece exclusively. Kind 1000 is hardly a toy. Remember it’s just results. Anybody can bring air down air temps and adjust nutes accordingly to make buds go purple, again, why would you? Maybe Try to learn read before replying. I thought guys here would be cool. Wow quite the opposite. Very sad