I Demand A Pot Smoker Dating Website


Well-Known Member
That's a great idea, OP! I've had a few serious girlfriends that totally looked down on my pot smoking. The last one dumped me for it, and the bitch drank a bottle of wine every night! She wouldn't mind me getting drunk with her, but my smoking pot was 'low class'. Hypocrites...
Chill Tyler, :). Her liver shall thank her for the alcohol.


Active Member
I just moved here last year and mostly Im never really sure how to bring up the subject(smoking weed) with a girl I like. I know for a fact that some girls will totally leave you if you smoke even though youre the perfect guy, ask my ex ;) well...

I know a website but like you cant do anything on unless you pay. Well maybe its not really a website I need but I wanted to share how tough it is to meet a pot chick around here lol. Maybe I need to move again? Well Im high and wish I could do it with a nice fun girl you know :)

The best way to tell if someone is a stoner is to bring up mj related things, movies, laws, ect. See how they react and you can usually tell. Chances are if they like a movie like half baked, they probably partake in the ganja. It seems to work for me anyway. :)

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I just moved here last year and mostly Im never really sure how to bring up the subject(smoking weed) with a girl I like. I know for a fact that some girls will totally leave you if you smoke even though youre the perfect guy, ask my ex ;) well...

I know a website but like you cant do anything on unless you pay. Well maybe its not really a website I need but I wanted to share how tough it is to meet a pot chick around here lol. Maybe I need to move again? Well Im high and wish I could do it with a nice fun girl you know :)

Dude, you created it with the thought, now someone out there is working hard and diligently... though we should all step away from our computers and go back out into the real world to meet and actually talk to people the 'old fashion' way. sending you inspiration and gumption to open your mind to new possibility.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I reiterate, after this divorce is final, the ONLY way ever I'll get into another relationship is if I can find a grower chic who is as passionate about it as I am. Other than that, my idea of a LTR is gonna be with a chic that takes Visa.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I reiterate, after this divorce is final, the ONLY way ever I'll get into another relationship is if I can find a grower chic who is as passionate about it as I am. Other than that, my idea of a LTR is gonna be with a chic that takes Visa.
Ah Ha! How about bitcoins, I had a idea called Book a Fuck (dot) com... all untraceable online currency is used and no track backs.. anonymity escorting. Take that to the bank, and piss on the teller.


Well-Known Member
I think one for someone to meet another grower would be great. I wanna meet someone who would be down with my passion of growing, instead of deserting me when shit hits the fan like my soon to be ex did. Time is getting too short for bullshit. The only way I'd ever get into another relationship would be with another grower chic.
i wish mrs sunnyboy had a single sister for ya pal

Pat the stoner

New Member
I been 5 months without my wife , longest time in 25 years for me . I'm just so tired of all the bullshit you have to put up with to be with somebody . We both met smokin an tokin . Now I'm in the same boat too . I'd love to meet a woman my age who tokes , cause straight women mostly do not want a toker . This is a small town too , the smallest place I ever been . I know a woman who I like and she feels that way too , just doesn't smoke . It sucks but I know I can't mess with her cause of that . I aint quittin for all that and I damn sure am not gonna stop looking for a new woman .


Well-Known Member
Good luck, cause yall can toss me in there to lol, love to find one who cooks,cleans,grows and has a full time job that keeps her from the house 12 hours a day lol and the other 6 hours a day of her running around naked for me to do very bad things to .. bitch only needs 6 hours sleep a night cause i get 4 on a good one lol


Well-Known Member
dude its easy to bring up, but you have to just wait for that right time. For example say you have gone out like once before, so then on the second date you two fuck, right after sex as your laying there just be like " damn that was great, do you want to smoke a joint?" then if she gets pissed and leaves at least you got some, and if she stays then perfect. I know I am an asshole, but hey it is the best time to ask.


Well-Known Member
What a million dollar idea! Call it highlife or dateforadube or smokenchill
maybe I shall start one myself