I did it. I Jumped Out of the Plane for the First Time!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Na man I couldnt come up with a spare 95 dollars for the video. I am already planning the next jump for June fifth. If any body wants to go meet Haloman at skydive city in ZephyrHills Florida. LoL:twisted:

Dude you should have asked for that shit for free

Be like dude my parachute malfunctioned thats some scary shit you should give it to me free or AT LEAST half off!


Well-Known Member
Ooooo, tangle on the first drop is not a good sign...

but like I said after I had my own chute tangle (due to an IDIOTIC mistake on my part), fuck it... you live only once.

Repacked the chute, and an hour later I was in the air again.