I did shrooms for the first time, did you experience this?

you can see pritty much whatever you can imagine.
if you try hard enough, you can see anything.
i have tripped on acid more than 16 seperate times. shrooms more than 9, ecstacy...alot alot.
anyone dosed enough tryptamines where everything is melting or SUPER crystalline like everything gets super imposed with fractal patterns of different colors shapes and boldness that constantly transform into greater and more complex patterns to the point of being terrifyingly beautiful. I love when that gets on peoples faces it turns them into feline/lizard like lookin creatures, ah the joys boundary dissolving substances.
The last time I did shrooms, I was watching TOM AND JERRY (the cartoon) and I couldnt believe how violent it was. They were chasing each other around with machetes and trying to kill each other. It was crazy. And the house I was in was dirty, so it just seemed soooo filthy. I had to get out of there when the crap on the carpet started crawling around like bugs.

Another time I took a ten strip of acid, and my BF at the time looked like Satan. I ended up breaking up with him a few days later. Sad for him, huh? :?
Haha, we cut strips from the blotter sheet. 10 across for each of us. I would'nt even think of doing that these days. I was a youngin back then. :)
The last time I did shrooms I dropped one hit of acid, one hit of mescaline, smoked about 2 doobies and snorted one crushed up hit of acid. Gawd was I ever messed up!!! Here is a pic of some nice shrooms. :)
first of all? who frickin snorts acid??? wtf?

talk about triiping hard, i got Puddled once. a hand full of liquid L25, slurped and gulped it all down....my hand was dry in .2 seconds...it all evaporated sooo fast. i peaked about 10 times, then just walked around on the moon for like 2 days..
by the 3rd day i was still seeing shit.
Oh lawdy!! Thats insane....Ive never tripped for days on end. I can't imagine. I did know this one chick who got dosed and didnt know it. She ended up in the hospital. Pretty sad. Someone dropped a shitload in her drink. Not to be nice either. Fukked up!!
I'm scared as fuk to do shrooms lol...only b/c i kno i won't want to think of sumthin fukd up (like demons and ghosts n shit) so bad that i'll end up doin it n havin a superrfuked up trip
I'm scared as fuk to do shrooms lol...only b/c i kno i won't want to think of sumthin fukd up (like demons and ghosts n shit) so bad that i'll end up doin it n havin a superrfuked up trip
i think if you are thinking of this stuff, you are bound to have a bad trip. tripping just amplifies whatever you are feeling before you start your trip. i suggest mellow music and a chill vibe with friends you are very comfortable with. also a relaxed atmoshpere where you can chill and feel un-threatned for quite a while. cool things like black lights and visual stuff to look at and music. also you have to remember it is just a trip and you will come down after a while. sometimes it can be one of the best times you have ever had. one more suggestion is to trip with someone who has done it before and can help you along. preferably a dreadlocked hippie with sandals and dreads that loves the dead haha.:peace:
Well with mushrooms its always random, and funny as hell for me. One time I couldn't kiss my girlfriend because her face was all melted and I was giggling about it so hard. other times I've thought the room was shrinking, the walls were moving, roads have been breathing, etc etc. Lots of crazy stuff on mushrooms and an 8th for your first time is pretty awesome you must of tripped balls :)
i think if you are thinking of this stuff, you are bound to have a bad trip. tripping just amplifies whatever you are feeling before you start your trip.

My thoughts exactly. When I used to trip on acid a lot, I always had good trips (except once when I did WAAAAAY too much and couldn't come down fast enough). The people that had bad trips turned out to be bad people. Bad trips come from a rotten mind. Maybe I'm patting myself on my own back but that's my observation.