to growone, it might be the shock from moving from the window at ~75 F to the 83 degree zone its in.
I dunno if this would cause it or not. Cuz my flower room is anywhere from 80-84 degrees when lights on. And when lights off it gets to around 68-69, and I don't have your problem.
Like what kind and what wattage of lights are you using?
CFL-2-30 watt 2700k 1 13 watt- daylight (real blue in color, whatever k that is), and 1 daylight bulb that I dontknow watts, i think 23?
Ok, the 2700K lights are what you are going to need for flower. The daylight bulbs are 6500K and that's what you wanna use for veg. Some will say to use a mixed spectrum in both, for example a 3/1 ratio of 2700K/6500K in flower, and 3/1 ratio of 6500K/2700K in veg, and you can if you want. But I personally do not. If you think about HID lights, people use MH for veg (which the 6500K CFL's are closest to) and HPS for flower (which the 2700K CFL's are closest to) {You can veg with HPS too, or 2700K CFL's, it's just slightly slower growth}
Anyway, now that all that info is out of the way... Your going to want at least 100 ACTUAL watts PER plant, if you want a decent result.
What kind of soil are you using?
its a pro seed starter mix and leftover soil from last year that the plants died, i put the cups in my closet, the soil dryed up and i crumbled them up into the mix(mystery mix honestly but its been working up until is about 6.3)
Hmmm, because it's a seed starter mix and old left over soil together, I'm assuming there are probably pretty much no nutrients in your soil.
What kind of nutrients are you using? Any?
None, although I just transplanted it into some sta-green moisture control potting soil, i think it might have ferts
Do you still have the bag? It should say on ther at least what your NPK is, if it has nutes.
How often are you feeding nutrients? If at all...
And you said this plant is 5 weeks old. Now I'm definitely thinking it's a deficiency! Possibly/probably a Magnesium deficiency. She is hungry man, WAY hungry! Get some MG all purpose plant food, it's like 8 bucks I think. And use it at 1/4 strength the recomended dose.
How often and how MUCH are you watering?
idk, im kinda sparatic with it, but i spray it with a spray bottle so it doesnt really put a lot of water into the soil, it just looks like it.
Me personally, I NEVER spray the actual plant itself. There really is no point IMHO!.. Also, the plant and it's roots like a wet/dry cycle. What I mean by this is: Water the plant, and I mean massivally water the plant. Untill you get a nice amount of water coming out of the hole(s) in the bottom of the pot. Then DO NOT water it again, or even spray it untill the top 1-1/2 to 2 inches of soil are dry... THEN water again the SAME way.
What size pot is it in?
it was in a small caintainer, 3-4 inches and heard it might be root bound, so i transplanted it into a 6" pot with the sta-green last night
It really did needed a bigger pot! Good thing you transplanted, did it look rootbound when you did? And it may still need a bigger pot, depending on when you want to flower.
How big is the plant itself?
I believe it was pushing 6 inches before it drooped
Your plant is really stunted.... I'm now thinking from no nutes and possibly under watering. You said you water randomly and just with a sprayer..... Do you ever actually pour water in the pot untill it starts to come out the bottom hole(s)?
I'm really starting to wonder if it's under watering... In fact I'm almost willing to BET on it! Which is weird cuz it's usually the exact opposite problem most people face. Try watering like I said earlier. I'm betting it will help.
THere you go
Thank you for giving out the info the best you can. Some people don't realize that we need YOU to help US help YOU! lol, So thankyou!
Thanks again for the help man

No problem man, hopefully this sloves your issues!