I do not like John McCain

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New Member

Not to mention a one world bank and one world taxation. Can you imagine a one world IRS ... just another bureaucratic function of a department in the UN? This of course will be enforced by world policemen and world courts.

Brave New World, here we come. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley




New Member
yeah. but i have this cinical view that the politics we see is just the puppet masters pulling the strings the direction they choose. they make the plans and 'arrange' the elections to get the results they want.

so here's the plan: to start a war, they needed to use a republican. an evil, big buisness republican that after 8 years will swing the majority of the country back in the direction of the democrats.

under a democrat, the war ends in another 8 years, and democrats eventually get the credit. but in the meantime, part of the 'coming together' that the democrats push is the North American Union. And the way is paved for One World Government, which couldn't be acheived by the republicans. Its not even something republicans want. (Neo-cons are not republicans, they are liberal.)

It is Liberals who want one world government. they think it will bring people together and solve the problem of warfare.

In truth, in will only consolidate greater, global power into even fewer hands of uber-wealthy people. Now how in the fuck will that be good for the general populous? It will not. We will end up being a slave population. Poor factory workers, with 1,000 cable channels for non-stop entertainment, and worthless, genetically engineered foods that sterilize our semen and eggs and reduce our life expectancy to 50, because thats the limit of a factory worker's prime, before our bodies begin to break down.

This is the future the bankers and big buisness wish for america. And democrats like Clinton our already on the boat. :evil:
Who really knows Closet, I just think the dems are better for the workers. Both parties are trying to make this a one world order, and neither one of them can make everyone happy. BTW, where have you been? I've missed your interesting posts here on the forum.


Well-Known Member
i disagree. i like the fair tax. ZERO income tax. you do not tax people's income, you tax what they SPEND. so poor people obviously SPEND less then then rich folk, so they pay less.
If I was president I would make the gov't pay their selves.. Why do they have to take our money when they can print their own money?? I say, let the gov't take x amount of dollars a year and delegate it how ever they want.

We need RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!!! Everyone wants him, so stop sauntering with the sheeple and start advocating RON PAUL! Or at the least, learn about his ideologies so you can know Americas potential before its too late.




Well-Known Member
Making a threat, even as a joke, against the President or a presidential candidate, is a serious felony. The Secret Service will serve warrants on service providers and track a source back to IP address. Please consider deleting your post.
What happened to freedom of speech? ~LOL~.... What if he was just really stoned and just doesn't like the guy, so he said "he will die"... The fact is that everyone will die, its just a matter of time:mrgreen:

It just makes me wonder how much freedom of speech we really have before they get our IP address and potentially serve us a warrant or whatnot. How many Secret Service people are actually reading these post???....

I bet they don't like me running my mouth, I wonder if they have my IP adress:confused: If any of them are reading this, than this is for you :finger:...........:mrgreen:



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
In my opinion, we cannot survive even another four years with a republican in office.Especially one who agrees with Bush!My god, what else can Little Hitler do to fuck us up any worse?I can't wait till he gets his fascist ass out of office so we can have someone with a little blood in their veins.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, we cannot survive even another four years with a republican in office.Especially one who agrees with Bush!My god, what else can Little Hitler do to fuck us up any worse?I can't wait till he gets his fascist ass out of office so we can have someone with a little blood in their veins.
RON PAUL is a republican.. I was actually strictly a democrat before I learned about RON PAUL(I'm young and just opening my eyes to the 'wonderful joys of politics':mrgreen:).... It seems to me like RON PAUL is one of the last conservative constitutionalists left. Everyone else wants to "help liberate" the oppressed countries and whatnot, bullshyt.

Before Bush and the war(Bush = war.... in my book now) I thought conservatives were a bunch of old farts that don't want change because they are content with their old fashioned ways. Now I realize how much it really means for our country to stick by our wonderful constitution(we are sooo lucky we have this one of a kind constitution and we should not take it for granted) and to protect our rights, before they are gone.



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I like Ron Paul...but I don't think he can beat out Mccain this time around. Ron Paul is a Libertarian, which gets lumped under Republican.I think for me, I'm gonna go Obama.
RON PAUL is a republican.. I was actually strictly a democrat before I learned about RON PAUL(I'm young and just opening my eyes to the 'wonderful joys of politics':mrgreen:).... It seems to me like RON PAUL is one of the last conservative constitutionalists left. Everyone else wants to "help liberate" the oppressed countries and whatnot, bullshyt.

Before Bush and the war(Bush = war.... in my book now) I thought conservatives were a bunch of old farts that don't want change because they are content with their old fashioned ways. Now I realize how much it really means for our country stick by our wonderful constitution(we are sooo lucky we have this one of a kind constitution and we should not take it for granted) and to protect our rights.




Well-Known Member
What happened to freedom of speech? ~LOL~.... What if he was just really stoned and just doesn't like the guy, so he said "he will die"... The fact is that everyone will die, its just a matter of time:mrgreen:

It just makes me wonder how much freedom of speech we really have before they get our IP address and potentially serve us a warrant or whatnot. How many Secret Service people are actually reading these post???....

I bet they don't like me running my mouth, I wonder if they have my IP adress:confused: If any of them are reading this, than this is for you :finger:...........:mrgreen:


Making an implied threat against a presidential candidate is a felony. It is NOT a matter of free speech. It was a threat. As such it could bring all of us into closer focus. I hope no one else decides to write something as foolish.

Also, according to agent James McCarthy, the US Secret Service does not care about your politics. If someone wishes to say they cannot stand a candidate's politics, it is fine with the Service.
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Well-Known Member
Making an implied threat against a presidential candidate is a felony. It is NOT a matter of free speech. It was a threat. As such it could bring all of us into closer focus. I hope no one else decides to write something as foolish.

Also, according to agent James McCarthy, the US Secret Service does not care about your politics. If someone wishes to say they cannot stand a candidate's politics, it is fine with the Service.
Roger that:mrgreen:

Ya, no more threatening big shots/POTUS candidates. :mrgreen: Nuff said:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Sen. Obama says that I'm running for a Bush's third terms. It seems to me he's running for Jimmy Carter's second. - John McCain
LOL! That's the funniest thing I think I've heard him say.


Well-Known Member
yadda yadda yadda so because he was a pow its ok for him to lead the country? yeah he'll lead it alright. right into war with Iran. fuck that SOB who the hell wants 4 more years of bush? With America trying to bully the middle east and anyone else who stands in the way how can we blame countries if they did develop nuclear weapons to protect themselves from us. oh fuck the middle east after all its in the name of Progress and democracy. in case ya didn't notice that was sarcasm;)


Well-Known Member
Making an implied threat against a presidential candidate is a felony. It is NOT a matter of free speech. It was a threat. As such it could bring all of us into closer focus. I hope no one else decides to write something as foolish.
Bullshit ... let's see the so called law that said you it's against the law to make an "implied" threat ... the SS make check it out ... but I doubt they would be arrested just for saying it ...

McSame doesn't have a chance in an fair election ... but since we aren't going to have one of those the only way they can steal it if McSame ... the worthless fuck ... that should be line up and shot with the rest of the war criminal ... illegitimate bush and cheney ... is within 10 points of Obama ... which is unlikely ... especially when gas reaches $5 a gallon and the illegitimate bush regime launch another illegal war against Iran:spew: ...

So fuck those war criminals and the SS now come and get me assholes ... :-|


Well-Known Member
Bullshit ... let's see the so called law that said you it's against the law to make an "implied" threat ... the SS make check it out ... but I doubt they would be arrested just for saying it ...

McSame doesn't have a chance in an fair election ... but since we aren't going to have one of those the only way they can steal it if McSame ... the worthless fuck ... that should be line up and shot with the rest of the war criminal ... illegitimate bush and cheney ... is within 10 points of Obama ... which is unlikely ... especially when gas reaches $5 a gallon and the illegitimate bush regime launch another illegal war against Iran:spew: ...

So fuck those war criminals and the SS now come and get me assholes ... :-|
Once again you are wrong, lady. The law is for the protection of government officials and the safety of declared candidates. The policies have been in place for decades; much like IRS policy. Simply stated, a threat, even as joke of a threat, is viewed as a criminal act.

It has both statutory law and case law precedents to back it up. There are dozens of examples on record.

So lady, you can hate government policy as much as you wish, but if someone made a threat, or implied threat, against your beloved Dennis the Menace Kucinich, you would be the first to dial the US Secret Service.

The statement that was made would generally be viewed as an implied threat, not free speech.

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