This is a funny thread. It really probably doesnt have much to do with growing marijuana at all but more Cali haters. Thats ok. Most states do. I moved to Colorado from Northern California. When I moved here all I heard was bullshit about how California drivers suck and Cali people raise the housing rates here. LOL. I have to laugh. Sorry if you own a house and some cali people move in and the worth of your house goes up. Idiots. AS FOR THE WEED ARGUMENT... People were trying to act like Colorado had the best weed in the U.S. Not even true.
Now with the MMJ boom, yes Colorado has awesome shit...however most of those strains are California breeds. There is not one strain that is known outside the state or the U.S. that is a Colorado born strain. Yes there is good weed here now, finally but this was just within the last few years and they arent Colorado native. When I moved here, I hadnt seen "Mexican Weed" "Shwag" or whatever, since probably 1995 in California. Still in Northern Cali I wouldnt even know where to find stress weed. Its all over in Colorado. California and Colorado lead the U.S. in MMJ however California paved the way. Your welcome. Colorado wants to be famous for something cool but unfortunatly all they have is the Broncos, the Nuggets, and the Rockies and they all suck so now people are trying to claim Colorado as the Marijuana Mecca. (IMO the best stuff in North America is coming from Cali, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia) Maybe for the amount of dispensories, but when it comes to signiture weed.....sorry. Never gonna happen. You can grow anything with controlled environments. You could make the weed think its in Greenland or South Africa, but outside... Colorado doesnt have the conditions that California has.
Two days ago there was a hail storm that if I had my plants outside they would have been destroyed. It happens all summer here. Ruins gardens every year.