I don't get stoned anymore

yea i agree....

a quarter can be blazed in one night with the right amount of friends

i normally burn thru a half a week
I could probably easily burn through a good half a week, I just try to limit myself. Yeah, a quarter with friends in one night is nothing, but I'm talking about for my own personal use. I don't know many people that smoke, so it's mostly me who gets to reap the bounty of my crops. I got so much shit I just smoke it out. lol :)
wow sorry for your trouble that must really suck. i never build a tolerance for weed, i guess i'm lucky that way. 3 hits and i'm good and buzzed 4 or 5 and then i'm fuckin blazed. good thing too cause it cuts the cost down.
Same here, an OZ will last me a couple of months. It usually gets moldy and I have to throw it away :mrgreen:.

Try this: Every time you get the urge to smoke try jerking off instead :roll::roll: a little masterbation never hurt anyone
by the end of the day you will be too tired to smoke. After 2 weeks one hit should knock your socks off.

(Looks over shoulder to see if mods are going to hand me a threatening letter and make me start wearing a diaper):-|

Seriously though, try cutting back a little or switching to mids for a week or two.
that's why I don't smoke so much, because I already have a high tolerance.Ever tried a pure indica?I know you posted some strains, but I don't know for sure if theyre sativa,indica, or mix,and I'm too lazy to go look.
my anxiety meds enhance the high for me completely. i take paxil...and i get higher quicker and the highs are nice...what med were you taking?
yea either take a break for a lil bit or switch up the strain try some kush if thats not normally on ur menu or if u smoke sativas start smokin indicas
and skinflute your avatar made me laugh so hard i fell outta my chair i was reading ur post and i saw the word diaper looked up at ur avatar and noticed the tripoded baby haha i dunno if tripoded is a word :mrgreen::peace: