I don't know if this is too much or too little nutes

Hi all. I have an ebb and flow system with 1000w HPS in a 4x4 on 24 hours. I'm fully through 2 weeks of veg. I keep ph at 6.0. The clones took a hard hit straight after putting them under the lights and 1/4str nutes at and started losing leaves. So after the first week I flushed them with 1/8 str nutes for an hour and replaced with 3/8 str nutes. They finally started growing but the leaves are light green and veiny. Even the new growth starts green then yellows after a day. I got 150ppm out of the tap I'm using and adding GH flora to 480ppm. Should I bump the nutes up a little bit or is that enough at this stage? Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
looks like the cuttings were sick looking or the mother wasnt great either. Ithink they starting to get back to health ,up nutes slightly and make the light period under that 1000w 18/6 ,putting those clones under 1000w hps from clonebox prob would have shocked the crap out them.
After a small increase with nitrogen rich nutes (gh floragrow) I saw significant change in 1 day. The leaves are retaining their green and are not drooping nearly as much. I suspect the light has shocked them and am considering changes on consecutive grows. Actually, I went out for some hours and when I returned and checked on them (after 2 waterings) one had already stopped drooping and had erect leaves. Thank you folks!


Well-Known Member
in future and if you can afford the expense invest in a 400w and stick them under there for a week or 2 before you stick them under the 1000w just so its not such a big increase and shock for the little ladies :)
Thanks for the suggestion. My reflector says it's good for 400 to 1000w bulbs but the ballast is only for 1000w bulbs. I was hoping it'd only be only a bulb. What if I put something to dampen the light. Anyone have any suggestions for that?


Rebel From The North
raise the light as high as it will go and put the plant off to the side not under the light for a few day to breakem in