I don’t know what’s happening at all


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. This is my first grow. I started to notice a few signs of deficiency a couple of weeks ago. It started out with fading to yellow from the top(yellowing starting from top), which progressed to inter-veinal chlorosis, which then progressed to burning from the sides and tip, which then became to fully crisp up. All of these symptoms are showing at the top of the plants, older growth seems to not be affected. The soil ph was definitely on the high side, around 6.9 ph average. I added sulfur to lower the soil ph, and bought a nice soil ph pen to monitor the soil ph.



Well-Known Member
1578992172258.pngWhen in doubt consult the handy dandy chart dear friend. Interveinal chlorosis and widespread yellowing that doesn't seem to start from the bottom of the plant is typically due to Iron Deficiencies. If your pH was much above 7 Iron would've quickly became unavailable to your plants. Try swing that back down to 6.5ish to allow the plant to correct this. Take care with how much sulfur you add to reduce pH also, excess sulfur could cause lockouts of other nutrients.


Well-Known Member
It appears to be a zinc deficiency? Looks like it on the link below. Also if you search google "Zinc plant Deficiency pink". It will come up with other crops that turn a reddish-pink when they have a zinc deficiency. I dunno, seems rare and I'm no expert.



Well-Known Member
As said above, get your PH in range first and foremost and then keep an eye on new growth before thinking about making more corrections, dont go chasing deficiencies before you know 100% what they are as this will just make matters worse IMO
What’s within range? They average at 6.8 right now