I don't know what's wrong with my plant!!!!

My plants are both about 18 days old now and one of them is starting to get yellow/gold spots all over the leaves
ive checked them for any pests and stuff like that, could it be nute burn? Or nute lock I'm using organic nutes and it has a NPK of 3-1-2 and the soil is sea soil and it already has 2% nitrogen. Please help its my first grow and I don't wana fail

Here are some pics that I took of them


Active Member
Sea soil??if u mean ocean forest by foxfarm then I wouldn't start adding nutrients for at least one month as the soil already has nutreints in it that you should use up before adding more as if you do this will cause nutrient lock up and your plants will stop growing/eating. For soil grows Indoors you should always start with a bag of good premium soil along with a ph meter and ppm meter . U can also buy a bottle of neem oil and spray on plants and dirt to use a a bug/fungi preventative.


Gotta agree with the nute burn. Just read up on sea soil and on their site they boast how rich in nutes their product is, you shouldn't be adding any nutes at all.


Flush your current soil well, let your plants recover for a couple of days then re pot..


Do you have drainage holes? The way i understand it is that if your plant is suffering from nute burn then it means that the salinity is too high as well which means the osmotic pressure is too high for the roots to take in water. When you eat something very salty you get very thirsty. Same applies here, the nutes are salty which makes the plant thirsty. If you don't get those nutes out the soil then the plant is gonna burn and it won't be able to take in any water. (if you don't flush the soil the plant will die anyway)


Can I transplant them again when there this big?
I don't think you have a choice bro.. There's way to much nutes in the soil now hence why your plant is looking the way it is. Now you have to get rid of all the nutes so you gonna have to flush them. Once flushed the soil will be slightly deprived of nutes and if you are using tap water then your PH will most prob be out. Here's what you need to do:

1. Flush soil with water ( 3 times the amount of water that your pots are )
2. Leave the plants in the current pots for about 5 days to recover
3. Carefully transplant them into new soil (do not add nutes)
4. give the plant sufficient light, it needs to make a lot of sugars now to recover.

Just remember that these plants are very strong, if given the right treatment, they'll recover.


New Member
That stuff is powerful, lots of fish ferts. You should begin seeds, clones and seedlings in something else until you have an established plant.(about 2-3 weeks from seed) then transplant into this. There are different kinds of that brand but all are highly ferted. Once you did transplant I doubt you'd need to even feed regular nutes until mid-flower.


New Member
How much water should I use to flush the soil?
Do not flush in this soil! you'll only send plant more nutes. Transplant into no or low nute soil then give it a good watering/flush until you have an established plant then transplant back into your seasoil.