I dont know whats wrong.


Active Member
2) Growing indoor
3) DWC
4) Rockwool
5) late flowering

so i am only 30 days away from harvest and a couple days ago i went to go check on the plants and i found that the roots of the OG and SS engulfed the airstones so i cut the bottom of the rootball so it wouldn't be as big as the 5 gal bucket and so it wouldn't engulf the airstones again and i put new airstones and changed the water. is there anything that i can do to help the plant because its fanleaves and little leaves in the buds are drying up and falling off and it isn't normal becuase the leaves are turning brown and not yellow. i heard that i could put the vitamin b1 in and that will help with stress but is there anything else i can do any help will benefit me greatly. i am posting pics of the leaves and how the plant looks so if you can gather anything from it and give me advice please do.


Well-Known Member
How often are you changing the water? I used to grow DWC but found it was too much maintenance.. I changed the water at least every two days regardless of how much they had drunk as I did encounter probs with root rot if I didn't keep on top of that.. Also how much nutes are you giving them at this stage?


Well-Known Member
they look like my plants did when i didnt give them the food they wanted, and to little water. but that was in soil. a little cal mag started good looking new growth, but all my fan leaves that went the direction your are going in never recovered. they look pretty damaged, but with patience, clean water, lower nutz and just time you should see them come back to life. when you say late flowering, how late? your buds dont look big enough to be in late flowering. and with this little hiccup, you may need to extend that 30 days from harvest to get these guys back on track.


Active Member
I agree.. I don't think there will be too much hope for saving those overly damaged ones. & TIME will be your biggest key here! Make sure you've got your watering under control. It's hard for anyone to tell you how much, you've gotta be the judge there.. But too much or too little will encourage that negative affect that's going on. Hold off on most nutes. Use the b1, but don't over do it, that'll end up hurting more than helping!
You really need to check your ph. I drove myself crazy wondering what nutes my plants might have needed when they looked a little down, but turns out it was all in my ph level. Your nutes are doing you no good if the ph is off. So ph is the thing you really want to keep an eye on.

I would rinse the plants with some plain water and then start again with fresh water and nutes. You never know, dont want to toss the plants and not give em a chance. Good luck!!


Active Member
yeah that is what i did, i gave them fresh water with no nuts just ph'd water. i haven't really ever got really big fat nugs off the OG so i dont expect them to get that much bigger but im hoping for the best and yes i know time is the key im just really impatient lol


Now I'm no expert but I've seen plants like that first hand. It looks to me like the PH may be too low/acidic. Your pic number 4 looks ready to die, I'd cut my losses there and harvest what you can from that one. Perhaps turn it into Hashish, wont be the greatest of Hashish but better than the plant dying in the next week or so and getting nothing from it.

gl buddy,


Active Member
actually i cut off alot of the bottom branches that werent really producing any weight so it would focus all its energy into the tops and its looking alot better to my view. and its starting to suck up water like it used to and its producing more and more white hairs so ima let it go to see what i can get out of it.