Well-Known Member
Keep it simple dude. And REMEMBER!! Most everyone has their own way. And I've found that is has been quite difficult to kill my plants.5 Different strains. And with all the missed watering, accidental light leaks..Temps have went over 100 a couple times. At 1st my 12/12 wasn't 12/12 because I didn't have a timer for a few weeks and I kept forgetting to turn em off.Can somebody please help me!!! I am new to this, i would love to grow at a max four dank plants but i have no idea where to start, including seeds, and growing methods. Can someone help me please!
Even with all that, all is well now.Healthy plants.No hermi's. Big juicy buds. Smoking some right now. Its good too. I've harvested some along the way and in a way I regret it. Seeing now, what that bud could have been. But at least I was smokin.
I wish you much luck man. Rule Numero Uno: Tell only those you trust with your freedom.