I don't know WTF I'm doing here.....


Well-Known Member
Fabric pots bro. I stopped using them, cuz I couldn't get them to stay moist. Maybe split your waterings up to multiple times daily? I did that for a while and it seemed to help, but I didn't like cleaning them up afterwards anyways, so I just eliminated them.
Ya fuck fabric pots....I use blumats and the sides would always stay dry, also stopped using them for this reason. Hard pots moist top to bottom side to side.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to give plastic pots a try. When I was reading up on what pots to use everyone blushed when they spoke about fabric pots.

What mulch are you using?
The grassroots pots are nice. I'd use those, but I hate cleaning out fabric pots.


Well-Known Member
Believe I jinxed myself a few days ago. More plants are starting to show foxtailing.

After taking a closer look it looks like maybe 6 of the nine plants are showing the trait...


Well-Known Member
The irrigation setup didn't work out as planned(duh I winged it at the last minute).

Here's how the girls looked.

Water everywhere, hanging buds, dry soil, BUT they still look like they're still alive.