i don't like in-n-out burger


Active Member
That's a tough call....but I suppose I'd have to say Hardees...1/3lb texas toast bacon cheeseburger, hell yeah!
I don't have a hardee's near by but when i was visiting my brother, I got it late one night after i got ripped and that shit made me so sick.

Personally i prefer Sonic.


Well-Known Member
carls jr and in n out are about the same in my book. in n outs cheap so tht is a plus. also there fries are BOMB, probably just an acquired taste...


Well-Known Member
I live in Texas so I don't get In N Out that often but the 2 times i have had it I have found it to be far superior compared to other fast food burgers.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I was out in colorado once and had "good times" anyone ever heard othis? I had a buffalo chicken sandwhich which was bomb