I dont smoke ......... But I grow!!!!!


My wife doesn't like the fact that I have High Times all over my page and NORML as well as pot laws and grow shop ads as well as pics n what not on my facebook. She says people will get the wrong idea. Look by no means am I a noob or rookie I smoked pot for 20yrs as well as used and abused all types of drugs however I have settled down substantially. I am a recovering heroin addict clean for 6 years and I decided to go back to the thing I loved before all of the madness began. All of my friends were sent away in the early 90s for a cocaine trafficking ring so I hung it all up. I have a small grow op now not even enough to get jail time and I enjoy it I keep telling her she doesn't want me to take this to another level so leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my hobby. Either that or ill find another one and I have a great imagination and a short attention span. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
keep it locked and small op and keep the smell reasonably contained and there's no reason you should get caught


Im not really concerned about getting caught I just think she is lookin for something to bitch about. The thing that stops me from getting high is the fact that you cant get hired anywhere without pissing clean. I know there is ways around that but I don't think its worth the hassle. Plus I really am enjoying life sober ive been fucked up my whole life this is quite a change for me to see things clearly. I believe when its time for me to retire or im financially set then I might begin again. I just wondered if anyone else who grows doesn't smoke?


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. I love growing weed, even when i had a break from smoking it i didn't stop growing more plants.
It's a source of pride and joy.

Some people can't comprehend the fact that people who have smoked weed before can enjoy themselves without it,
usually just the teenagers who only smoke a few grams a month saying that. People like that need to learn how to appreciate sobriety
and moderation, for me all it took was smoking weed all day for too long and wanting to feel fresher while also enjoying the herb.


Well-Known Member
I kind of get it. I grow all kinds of vegetables I don't eat. I don't have the same love for them - I do enjoy growing them... it doesn't even make sense to me that I wouldn't be more into it.


Well-Known Member
I started smoking weed in the '73 and started growing in 78. In '89 I got a job which required a CDL and random drug testing so I gave up smoking which was no big deal, I was pretty burned out with getting high. I went 20 yrs without smoking and never gave it much of a second thought.

I never quit growing and would grow 6-8 plants outdoors every year, 1.5-2.5 pounds usually. Gave it away, bartered with it, sold a bit for cheap. Best barter is with a guy I went to college with who ended up in Florida. I have gone down there almost every year since '91 and take him a generous quarter. In return I get a place to stay, and a weeks worth of guided inshore and offshore fishing. I go down with a 4 oz. sack of weed and come home with 50 lbs of fresh fish and a sunburn. A couple years I could not make it and still mailed him a quarter, just because. Oops, starting to ramble...

Anyway, resumed smoking in '09 so I guess I've grown for 35 years, and only smoked weed for 16 of those years. I have always lived in rural areas and had great gardens including veggies and flowers. So yeah, it gets in your blood, and I got more than a bit of rebel in me. I always have grown weed, just part of who I am I guess. On only my second full indoor grow, lots of fun.


Well-Known Member
My wife doesn't like the fact that I have High Times all over my page and NORML as well as pot laws and grow shop ads as well as pics n what not on my facebook. She says people will get the wrong idea. Look by no means am I a noob or rookie I smoked pot for 20yrs as well as used and abused all types of drugs however I have settled down substantially. I am a recovering heroin addict clean for 6 years and I decided to go back to the thing I loved before all of the madness began. All of my friends were sent away in the early 90s for a cocaine trafficking ring so I hung it all up. I have a small grow op now not even enough to get jail time and I enjoy it I keep telling her she doesn't want me to take this to another level so leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my hobby. Either that or ill find another one and I have a great imagination and a short attention span. What do you think?
You and I my friend, have *extremely* similar stories in many ways.

However, my girl loves the fact I grow. That's about the only difference (even down to me not smoking).

Welcome to RIU, and happy growing!



Well-Known Member
Walter White cooked meth but never did meth and I'm not much of a smoker either but I'll be fucked if I'm ever going to quit growing (for my patients)


Well-Known Member
Im not really concerned about getting caught I just think she is lookin for something to bitch about. The thing that stops me from getting high is the fact that you cant get hired anywhere without pissing clean. I know there is ways around that but I don't think its worth the hassle. Plus I really am enjoying life sober ive been fucked up my whole life this is quite a change for me to see things clearly. I believe when its time for me to retire or im financially set then I might begin again. I just wondered if anyone else who grows doesn't smoke?
Well I'll confess:
I am a recovering Opiate addict. I smoked for years with no problem but when I got into opiates ( no I didnt graduate to opiates, surgery started it) I quit because I just loved the opiates more. It was a 12 year run until I finally went and got help. Fast forward through a lot of shit and now it's 9 months drug free. In order to get the treatment I got covered by my insurance, I had to agree to be tested monthly as part of a Suboxene treatment program. So... I havent been able to smoke anything. If I test positive I'm out of the program and they're paying for my maintenance meds that would otherwise cost me around $900 a month. So I have that incentive to stay clean.
On top of that weed started to give me a weird panic attack kind of feeling so I was ready to give it up anyway.
However, I dont know how it happened, well...I know why it happened, the Mrs still smokes and thats all she does. I got tired of dealing with these little street rats for smoke so I decided to take up growing as a hobby. I had no idea how great this would turn out for me. I dont turn out a lot of yield, but the quality of my own stuff is better by far than anything I ever bought on the street.
Someday, I dont know when, I'll go back to trying to smoke again. Theres a time and place for everything and right now just isn't the time. So, the Mrs smokes all by herself and it doesnt even tempt me. Turns out I ended up loving raising it myself far more than I thought I would. I'm having a blast despite the occasional headaches any grower has watching a seedling turn into a beautiful frost covered lady. This is my 5th run now and I learn a little more with each run.

So, there it is...Happy Growing and be thankful for something.

Oh and PS, If you plan on living on this planet past another 6 months or so, don't EVER let yourself get trapped by the opiate monster. In my area it ( in heroin form mainly) is all the rage these days and while I never did heroin, starting out with a few Percocets here and there can turn you into an insatiable monster before you ever knew what hit. Stay away from opiates.
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Well-Known Member
Passion.. That's what it's about fellas, and it sounds like you have a true passion for growing. The end result happens to be another one of my passions so it's a win-win for me personally. I have thought/dreamed about stopping smoking, but I have absolutely no interest to go back on the pills that they want to throw at you if you have any of the problems that weed helps with (I guess I could have just ended it after any problems right?? lol)

One ex-addict to another, it sounds like you have found what we are all looking for, happiness. Congrats! If you can do it without the bud for now then more power to you bro!


Well-Known Member
You know man if you just grow just because its something you like, as relaxation, then fuck what your wife says,
My ol lady was pissed ( and I mean pissed) hen I dropped the beans at home, but after some time pass she checks on the them and mists them for me even buys some supply's,

But if growing is something that you think could possibale throug you back to the old days then don't waste time with it man, dope is a hard drug to come off of, but easy to get pull back in to,
I've had some probablems with it but I'm mostly green, but I have watche it ripp people's life's an family's apart (currently)

Do what's going to be best for you


Active Member
Marijuana is a beautiful plant that should not be illegal in the first place. The older I get the more I understand this country. And the one thing I do understand is: its fucked. America is literally fucked. The rest of the worlds is already sick of us, and our economy is based off paying people with borrowed money. The best social security you can have is growing pot. Especially when the real social security is a big fuckin' joke. It will never go out of style, more and more people are going to smoke it, and the price will keep going up the shittier America gets.

You need to explain this to your woman. And she is right in a way. If you are growing pot, legal or illegal, you should not be advertising it. It is a huge security risk. If the cops don't kick down your door, some hood motha fuckas will. And hood motha fuckas are a dime a dozen in America, because the hole fuckin place is turning hood.