I dont smoke ......... But I grow!!!!!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Very cool. You seem like you are on top of your life, know what you want, and are able to set your own limits and abide by them. Max Respect! It takes all kinds to make a community work. The Canna world needs a few non-smokers furthering the cause. Your girl will settle down about it after a while if she sees you carry on responsibly. Nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
IMHO...with your background (heroin) I would give it up and please your lady. MJ is great but not worth more than the happiness of the people who care for us. Best wishes...


Active Member
My wife doesn't like the fact that I have High Times all over my page and NORML as well as pot laws and grow shop ads as well as pics n what not on my facebook. She says people will get the wrong idea. Look by no means am I a noob or rookie I smoked pot for 20yrs as well as used and abused all types of drugs however I have settled down substantially. I am a recovering heroin addict clean for 6 years and I decided to go back to the thing I loved before all of the madness began. All of my friends were sent away in the early 90s for a cocaine trafficking ring so I hung it all up. I have a small grow op now not even enough to get jail time and I enjoy it I keep telling her she doesn't want me to take this to another level so leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my hobby. Either that or ill find another one and I have a great imagination and a short attention span. What do you think?
Your wife is in error. People won't get the wrong idea, they will get the right idea which is:
1. You smoke weed.
2. You grow weed.
3. Both of the above.

Clean up your facebook page to make the wife happy and become a behind-the-scenes activist. My 2c.


Active Member
I really don't smoke all that much or often, and sure as hell don't sell....like many here this is just a hobby, and a very challenging plant...
of course you gotta try out the crops but thats about it for me...
I agree with a earlier post...smoke your shit...you grew it, so consume it...


Active Member
growing is very theraputic but the only reason i hink its so enjoyable is becuase you know them buds are yours to smoke in a few weeks. I really can't see how braking the law 24/7 for 3 months for nothing is gonna be good for anyone.


Well-Known Member
My wife doesn't like the fact that I have High Times all over my page and NORML as well as pot laws and grow shop ads as well as pics n what not on my facebook. She says people will get the wrong idea. Look by no means am I a noob or rookie I smoked pot for 20yrs as well as used and abused all types of drugs however I have settled down substantially. I am a recovering heroin addict clean for 6 years and I decided to go back to the thing I loved before all of the madness began. All of my friends were sent away in the early 90s for a cocaine trafficking ring so I hung it all up. I have a small grow op now not even enough to get jail time and I enjoy it I keep telling her she doesn't want me to take this to another level so leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my hobby. Either that or ill find another one and I have a great imagination and a short attention span. What do you think?
Im in the same fuckin boat with my wife too.


Well I confess Im a recovering heroin addict in a methadone maintenance program lmao. Only difference is that we can piss dirty for weed but we wont get take home meds. My habit started as a couple vics then percs then oxys over 15 yrs and chronic pancreatitis that's what happens. So that's a big 10-4 fuuuuuck opiates. I think this is kinda like my penance for angering the Gods with my abuse of myself and drugs and it feels good to grow its almost spiritual. Ive been clean for 6 years so yeah stay clean it gets better the longer you go the trick is to never forget what feeling dope sick is like. Thanks to everyone for showin love and opening up a little this is a cool site.


Well-Known Member
the trick is to never forget what feeling dope sick is like. Thanks to everyone for showin love and opening up a little this is a cool site.
Thats actually what drives me even to this day. I had to go into full blown withdrawal before I got on the Suboxene. I dont know when I was ever that sick before. I hadn't had the opiates out of my system ever in 12 years. I dont ever want to feel that way again, and I'm not going to. I couldnt believe I had let myself get that bad.
Never again.
I also grow and do not smoke... I enjoy the challenges of guerrilla growing and love the smell of green bud. But, lately I have been doing a lot of studying on the health benefits of weed and I am also very intrigued with the Rick Simpson oil and what it can do. So, maybe someday in the the future I may actually try what I grow???

Jumpin Jack

Well it seems i fit in on RIU with most of people.
I went through hell for a long time.Lost my best friend in a car accident and i was driving.Im lucky to lived ,i had a tbi and all kinds of injurys.
The accident was weather related so not my fault.Marine Corp gave me a medical discharge.I was lost in a world of shit back then.Turned to drinks and drugs.Over the years i lost everybody and everything.Somehow i made it.
Now im rebuilding my life ,been clean for two years.
I do smoke it helps me with a number of medical problems from that accident.I just started growing again and i cant believe how much it has helped me.When i go in my grow room and shut the door ,it like im at peace with everything.

Peace my friends and keep on growing


Well-Known Member
Jumpin Jack,good for you. None of us can turn back the hands of time. We all would if we could and maybe make a few adjustments here and there. But all we can do is learn some tough life lessons and hope we can move forward with a little more knowledge, and a little more experience than we did before. Everything thats behind us, we gotta leave it there.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
I too am a recovering addict. I acctualy just got home from the methadone clinic. They allow weed in your system if it was there when you first started. Its the only thing they allow. Its the only thing I do or even want to do anymore. Igrow. I love to grow. For me the grow is not at all about the high. Growing weed makes me happy and peacefull. Tending the crop is just as much therapy as the finished product. I have real problems in my life just like anyone else and jusr like that other guy said, when Im in my growroom all that other stuff Does not exsist. I only focus on the plants. I think growing weed makes me a better person. I have learned patience, how to care for something besides myself,and love. These plants are magical in soooo many ways. Thanks for this thread.
