I don't think it's lack of nutes, help!


Active Member
This girl is going into flower in 3 days. Sorry for the bad pics, not a photographer. She has 11 colas, and only this one looks like this. I thought at first it was just coloring from the strain, Blue widow, not so sure now. There is some purple in there, and the rest is brown and shriveled up. It's not to close to the lights (wouldn't all the colas look like this if that was true?) and this cola is shorter than others. Any advice would be great since today is feeding day, and if she needs anything I could do it immediately.
Specs; FFOF soil, earth juice grow formula, and she had a shot of superthrive early on. Under a 250 watt hps, temps are around mid to low 70's all day and night, and humidity is around %50.
The rest of her looks perfect, just this one top. Help?



Well-Known Member
is that one closest to the bulb? looks burnt to me. I have had this on plants before, but never thought much of it (the yellow on leaf).


Well-Known Member
It'll be good to get a shot of the whole plant.. is ther gud circulation. Intake outtake. Insided oscillating fan?


Active Member
is that one closest to the bulb? looks burnt to me. I have had this on plants before, but never thought much of it (the yellow on leaf).
Nope! this cola is one of the shortest ones on the plant. I thought it was burnt too, but it's nowhere close enough to the light for that to happen.


Active Member
It'll be good to get a shot of the whole plant.. is ther gud circulation. Intake outtake. Insided oscillating fan?
Plenty of air moving, intake and out. My only guess is I might have waited a little to long to flower her, She's almost 3 months old.
This pic was taken a few days ago.



Well-Known Member
Sure looks burnt to me too, any chance you left some water on it and ran lights?
Maybe you have something reflecting and magnifying the light? That happened to me a couple times.

The only other thing i can remember that has done that to a bud in the past was a Caterpillar.


Well-Known Member
omg its a bird its a plane, its CFL burn lol she will recover i did this once to my little red bud plant(i miss you red bud)


Active Member
seriously, the lights are nowhere close enough to burn her. I like the magnified idea, that makes sense to me. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
seriously, the lights are nowhere close enough
to burn her. I like the magnified idea, that makes sense to me. Thanks everyone!
Root system issue, twisted damaged new growth. Let the medium dry till pot is very light to lift, dont feed for a week or so, dont have fans blowing on it. Growth will slow/stop untill it recovers. I dont think its light burn as the thinest part of leaf burns first which is tips and margins, not the centre of the leaf.