I dont think this should happen so soon


Ok so this seedling is 3 days old and its turning yellow at the tips(cotyledon), i have 2 cfls on top, temp is 26 c, humidity around 40, distance from cfl about 5 cm
I am using a generic flower soil for plants, no nut, also the first leaves that are coming out are kinda light gree, sorry for the bad pic quality



Well-Known Member
What nutrients are in generic flower soil? I kept mine under a humidity dome until second leaves were showing.


no nutrients, just some micro stuff...i added some transparent foil on top of the pot to keep the moister, hope it will help, it is kinda dry in the box


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell, but how do the first actual leaves look? I have two generic bullshit beans going right now that started off with damaged cotyledons and the first leaves were oddly shaped and light green, but 30 days later they look great. They were just real sllooooowwwwww growing.


they just sprouted, no i can see just the tip...and the color is lighter than the cotyledon, also i think one of the sprouting leafes has a black tip, like burned a lil, i hope tomorow for them to be bigger to see what is happening,
I also would like to mention that i watered them i think a lil bit to much, i am watering them from the bottom, and spray, and beeing a noob that i am i did it twice a day till now, can this be the problem for the yellow tips?


Well-Known Member
Certainly over watering can cause a lot of issues including yellowing, but it is so hard to say so early.

What I discovered with my flawed ones (actually have two) were that they were a little short on nitrogen. I let them grow a week or so and they were a very pale yellow and ugly, gangly looking bastards. I have several good strains going and I should have bagged them, but truth be tell, my O.C. kicked in. I can't stand to see shit die. But I'm also lazy and somewhat unmotivated (ummmmmm.....hello....I'm a STONER lol) so I just re-potted them, waited a week and added plain old cheap Miracle Grow in the recommended amount. About 7-10 days later they took off!

Now I wouldn't necessarily say that I'd do that to my prized crops, but what growing these BS seeds is showing me is exactly how fucking durable this plant we grow is. Freakin' amazing.

Time will tell, keep us updated.

ps. I'm a fairly newbie myself, so I feel you on the mistakes. Don't stress it too much yet. Let them dry out a couple days tho lol


i will remove the plastic foil and let the soil dry for tonight, i believe and hope that this is the problem, i cant think of anything else, as i use distilled water, no nut the soil has a ph of 5.5-7, and when i stuck my finger in the soil it was very damp.
Also i planted another seed and i will learn from this one to no over water it, and if that one comes up the same its another problem i think.
Trial and error, its my first grow and even if you read everything you will have some problems, we live we learn


Ok so it seems the new leafs are also getting burned also the cotyledon is getting worse, the temp was a bit high, i left only 2 cfl on it, now it it around 24C, i moved it from the pot because of i belive i overwatered it,
Any idea what this is and what might be doing it? I use pot soil for plants, some generic brand



Well-Known Member
The first steps of growing this stuff starts with knowing what soil/soiless mix they are in and what that soil/soiless mix contains.

I see more peeps come on here with this problem than I can shake a stick at. Seedlings do not need any nutes at all and will do just fine with distilled water every few days. Even water, as much life as it brings, will also take it if abused. That soil needs some perlite ( roughly 30%) and/or some vermiculite to assist in keeping the soil evenly moist. Straight soil turns to basically mud when you water it and can hold too much water on the roots of the seedling and kill it slowly.

Try finding some perlite and/or vermiculite and go with a 1 to 1 ratio and you will see a drastic improvement in the plants actions.

Peace and Great Grows



The soil i believe its ok, it doesn't turn to mud, it retains moister fairly well and it has some husk in it,
This is how it looks this morning:


As you can see the first 2 leaves got bigger and the burn/yellow didn't advance, so i believe it was a heat problem,
I can already see the next set of leaves forming, does this mean this will be a short bushy plant? BTW i dont know what seeds these are i got them a long time ago