King Tut
Rip off? How many of you are paying $600 an ounce?
WTH? Where? i need to move! lol.
Rip off? How many of you are paying $600 an ounce?
WTH? Where? i need to move! lol.
it's at the end of the rainbow....lol
Rip off? How many of you are paying $600 an ounce?
I'm not complaining.
edit: and I sometimes pay $50 $55 an 1/8th for top shelf...
i rather pay not pay 50
and buyt i from some one thats not being TOO fuvking stingy. fuvk your BS about marijuana beeing expensive to grow.
marijuana can been grown basically for free. if it was-sent for being illegal. just over and ignoraant dumb fuck who banned it in 1937.
high grade cannabis will never be grown for basically free.... do your research or you're the one who sounds ignorant.
sure you can grow medium grade weed for free using organic practices, but all this will cost you some sort of time in some remote way, and time is money.
but for real, I think high grade organic cannabis outdoors should be 200 an oz flat, 250 for the truly amazing stuff and that's pretty much where my pricing standards go.
150 isn't completely unreasonable but in my opinion for high grade organic bud that you're going to be working your ass off to get to the quality level you want, plus trimming drying curing etc. all this takes a lot of time.
and not to mention there are very specific places on earth where high grade cannabis can be grown, this will also raise the price.
lets put in perspective guano its a bit expensive. wich i can buy a bag of guano for the price this grams are selling now days lol.
growing high quiality weed in a green house under the sun its not expensive at all.
yeah right dude, take into account the amount you're gonna be growing in a greenhouse... NOT MUCH if you don't spend a lot on nutrients.
how much outdoor growing experience do you have??? doesn't sound like you have any.
I've been growing outdoors for 4 years now, and I have learned a lot from my buddy who was a grower in humboldt co. from the 70s to the early 90s, that knowledge + the knowledge of rollitup is what I speak from.
you cannot grow lots of high grade cannabis without either putting in a lot of time and money, or a lot of time and effort with a decent amount of money.
no matter what, you will have to spend money, and you will have to spend time, and it will take effort.
all these things can be quantified in cash amounts, so no matter what growing cannabis cannot be done cheaply unless you do it for yourself exclusively and are happy with small amounts.
you can't impose your idealism on the rest of the world because you simply fail to understand how the system works.
nutes are not an issue at all. nutes are dirt cheap. plants dont care if there taking bran names btw.
aBOUT PUTTING TIME I IT i have to agree no so much on the money part my friend.
my ideas are not so far to understand once in use
yeah right bro, look at my grow.
that whole grow took probably 300 man hours, 1000 dollars (dirt, nutrients, gas to get all these things, plastic to protect the plants) /// dirt its cheap ass fuck plastic and gas its not 100 bucks. dont get me wrong you probably did spend 100 bucks on the supply. but im sorry to tell yo THAT you ddint have to,
and then I sleep out there at night with them too. so I'm also doing SECURITY. how much money would you charge for risking your life to keep your weeds safe??? // i wouldn't charge money since i am putting my self in that situation. wich gives me the right to shoo or stab some one in the fucking eye. since they want to get MY propery
sorry buddy you just have no fucking clue what you're taking about, you're simply an idealist who wants to mooch off of the people who work hard as fuck for what they do.// if i wouldn't have any idea i Also wouldn't be on this site. talking about how you greedy bastards over charge a gram of a dryed flower,
if you want to grow your own weed that way, that's fine, go on ahead, but don't try to brainwash people like me who grow epic buds organically and charge 200 an oz. that shit is where it's gonna stay because that's how much it's worth.
,, i will grow my weed dont you worry. you growing epic buds thats whats up im happy for you. you charging 200 i think its funny.
if you want to think thats how much its work go ahead. what nature give us for free shoudent be charge my MAN.,
if you truly think you're so right about this one how bout you try to start a commercial co-op, and try to make it operate as cheap as you want, and achieve as high of a quality level as you want, and still charge less than 150-200 an oz??
i dont see why not.
good fucking luck... we don't live in the time of slaves anymore... and that's why shit like this costs a WHOLE lot more money.
actually we do live in the times of slaves my friend just look around you dont we ALL want the same thing called money. and who controls the currency YOur master, open your eyes.