i'm not OP, but here goes.
Under the Regulate Marijuana Like Wine intitiative cannabis is treated like wine. Legal with reasonable taxes and regulation while preserving the personal right for 25 plants and 12 lbs of bud.
Just b/c something has medicinal value doesn't mean it should be expensive. You're comparison of "med" prices is laughable morally imho. MEDS should be as cheap and safe as possible. Canabis meets both those requirements. If one CHOOSES to say he/she recreationally wants to use then they can grow or choose which quality/price range fit their budget.
So in the end, yes. You're correct. If one CHOOSES to recreationally smoke the best weed available they can pay for the time and effort that wonderful endeavor takes. But for those that need it MEDICALLY, they should be able to grow their own or pay fair market value.