I figured out what happened to my short term memory


New Member
My brain just skips it and logs into the long term banks.

I always seem to remember stuff later in "ah-ha ! There it is moments."

Anyone else experience something similar?

It is faster and easier to stream stuff if you don't get bogged down with the details.

Please distribute your flyers if you believe your flyers to be true



Active Member
I def. have short term memory it has to be from smoking weed lol. I have pretty damn good long term, but short, eh.


Elite Rolling Society
You certainly have not forgot how to start a thread!

80 posts and you started 22 new threads?


Well-Known Member
My brain just skips it and logs into the long term banks.

I always seem to remember stuff later in "ah-ha ! There it is moments."

Anyone else experience something similar?

It is faster and easier to stream stuff if you don't get bogged down with the details.

Please distribute your flyers if you believe your flyers to be true


i get that but i find it kinda gives me a de ja vu feeling alot. its pretty easy to ignore now but it was weird for quite a while

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Peter - just which pocket are you referring sticking something into?

Any. If you want a map, and I think about this way too much.

Front left: Cigarettes, lighter, weed, various drugs, car keys.

Front right: Change, a small knife, nail clippers, loose cash, receipts, all little slips of paper I decide I gotta keep throughout the day, receipts, etc.

Rear right: Wallet. Nuff said.

Rear left: A small journal I make notes in. It is actually quite useful. I refer to it as my 'brain book' though my friends say to me "blues clues, you and your handy dandy notebook..."