I Found A Couple Of Balls 18 Days In ****


Active Member
The cool thing about Reverse is it can be used to help plants go female in the first place, as well as correcting hermies. I had 2 out of 4 hermie, non-genetic it was from a light leak, and they were both cured by the reverse. Both plants also got bigger and produced a lot more than their full female compatriots, not that there is necessarily any connection.

Read its directions, you're supposed to use it at the start of flower for best results, so you may be able to prevent this next time.


Well-Known Member
If you do plan to keep it you should also keep another thing in mind. It will have less natural immunities then a regular male/female would from being so stressed. I would move slowly i.e when you raise nutes, keep close eye on temp and rh to. I would recommend getting some silica (any local hydroponic shop should have some) and just follow the dose on the bottle based on plant growth. It's a nice product that will help your plant react better to stress from heat, cold, and general stress. Also like youve been doing keep on plucking all balls you find, and you will start seeing like banana shaped looking yellow things. Wish I had a pic. but if you see them you wont miss them. Remove these ASAP as they are contaminated with pollen. Take some bud shots or some pics of balls next time you see some. Good luck


Active Member
I found some more balls but I also got the reverse sprayed. We will see. So should I spray the other one in the room with reverse? Just in case it gets pollenated?


Iwould spray both. I never got any bad side affects on the pure females i sprayed and they didn't get seeds. so for $20 it cost to spray i'd say it was worth it even if it had nothing to do w. it. I use a whole bottle each time i spray too, so you should have plenty left over. Remember dont dilute it.


Active Member
this is a total nightmare. The reverse isnt working too well. I just got to the problem too late. I had a faulty timer for my lights and it has screwed everything up. I realized one day that my light was on during its sleep period and that pretty much solves the mystery. anyway the whole thing is a wash. Both my plants turned hermie and they are both worthless now. The plants got way too cold and unhealthy so I am giving up on them. Sorry to wreck the experiment but I am done. I am making the chop now.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
So I am 12/12 for 18 days and I find a couple of clusters of balls. Until then everything was going great, full on female. I pulled them off in a panic and searched the rest of the plant. Does anyone else do this? I only found 2 clusters and they were low on the plant. I am going to pretend that didnt happen for now. If you have an experience like this I would like to know what you did. I dont have any light leak problems and I dont know where the seed came from. Other info... I use soil, foxfarm, and the humidity has been higher then normal(60%) for 3 days. Sorry I dont have a pic. I destroyed the evidence of the balls. thanks

Sounds to me like you've got a full on early stage hermie. I've had them before and tried to do what you're doing by keep pulling them off. Trouble is, as the plant gets bigger and bushier it's dam near impossible to find and get them all before some of them pop and release pollen. And if it's like the ones I had it's just going to keep making more and more and more of those male flowers.

I tried to fight this battle once before and lost big time. I know it sucks but if you want to make sure your other girls stay virgins you're gonna have to get rid of it (and the sooner the better).

If it's any consulation I tell you that I don't think this situation has any thing to do with any thing you did (or didn't) do in growing that plant so far. It was just in that seeds genetics and would have happened no matter what the growing conditions were.



Active Member
I've heard any seeds a hermaphrodite plant throws will all be female seeds.
See what happens?
actually they will be hermy seeds. kinda like feminized seeds, but feminized seeds usually have a very low seed count.
depending on how your growing its gonna be a bitch to keep pulling them off. Then the constant checking everyday for new ones. Nitemares about seedy bud etc. Plus its not worth contaminating your grow room with pollen. Even if this is your first grow. It only takes a speck o pollen to seed. One ball has a couple gabiggillion specks! Well not that many but its not worth it trust me.


Active Member
this is a total nightmare.......Sorry to wreck the experiment but I am done. I am making the chop now.
I totally feel your pain man. I just had 4 males and one hermie, total nightmare. =(

Here's to a better round 2! I'm definitely gonna save up and get some fem seeds for next time, no more of this time wasting B.S. =)


Active Member
use dutch master reverse..and keep pulln of the balls.......unless its completley male.... jus qurarantine it off......to b sure...otherwise if u cant use reverse itll keep ur females female....&ususually if given with the right supplements will make it so ur hemie dont seed ..ive seen it drop balls from a hermie in three days..after use....but there are other ways......look in the dutch reverse section......if there is one...im sure i saw it discusing the other processes


Active Member
ive found out a handy tip...use both reverse and potash+.....and the percentages are way higher i jus made anothr hermie go completley male ..its actally got vulvas and furs ect......seeds dropd out after 2\3 days to half a week tops......so give it a try.worked twice for me........so dont c why it wouldnt work for yall.......