I Found a Secret Room In My House!

At first, when you dropped the camera, I thought you were doing a Blair Witch spoof until you said spider. I laughed my ass off. I get that way with centipedes. Not your common ordinary house centipedes but the huge ass foot long desert centipedes. God they are horrible. :: shudder ::
hahahaha dude that was fuckin awsome lol i would have done the same thing if a spider was attacking me to lol

good find have fun cleaning it and geting it ready
Its probably a root celler , you store food in their for the winter, rudabagers and beets and carrots and shit or maybe your house was underground rail road. I knew someone who grew up in an old underground railroad house...had a skinny ass hidden stairway small hidden room in attic it was a historical landmark we used to hang out in their.
Plastic over the door? Thats what I would do to cover up the smell of decomposition.

Be a true man & send your wife in there first!!
old crematorium?

you can dig the floor out some and get some extra head room!! awesome find, and +rep. i knew you were coming back, even if it was after you got baked in your ACTUAL man cave!!!

now give him his man card back, ok, after a one week suspension for the spider scream :lol:

oh, and did see a crushed pack of Newports on the ground when you first walked in :???:
At first, when you dropped the camera, I thought you were doing a Blair Witch spoof until you said spider. I laughed my ass off. I get that way with centipedes. Not your common ordinary house centipedes but the huge ass foot long desert centipedes. God they are horrible. :: shudder ::

me too about the blair witch comment. Pretty creepy I'd be looking for some bones or something.
That's fucking great. I'm stoked that I got to see the breaching of the secret door :-P. So many possibilities... There's lots of work to be done if you plan on doing anything with that space. That's really cool though. :-D
Yo I think I saw a pop can on the ground you better see the date on that shit so you will have a idea when the last ppl were in there if it wasn't a can find something in there to give you a idea date on when a human was last in there man...What if I use to live at that house and know how to get into your op you got Balls for putting that shit on here man + REP lol
Yo I think I saw a pop can on the ground you better see the date on that shit so you will have a idea when the last ppl were in there if it wasn't a can find something in there to give you a idea date on when a human was last in there man...What if I use to live at that house and know how to get into your op you got Balls for putting that shit on here man + REP lol

Hey man thats my soda can!!!
That was awesome man... glad you took us along for the adventure. The mask totally makes you sound like Darth Vader which is badass but I was hoping for bones or something really crazy! Anyways, looks like a perfect setup bro, you could definitely get a nice grow going in there and maybe even vent through the brick manhole or the metal one. Have you found out where they go? Under a deck maybe? Covered in dirt?

Keep us posted!
Man how i wish i had a basement i can picture it now 2000watts of Greatness i would make it look like a jungle in there

only 2k watts !!!!!! fuck that try like 10k lol forest that fuckin bitch the fuck up. sick find man i cant believe that domed ceiling too sick hahahhaah HOLY FUCKIN SHIT SPIDERS AHHH!! ROFL
Dig and look for bodies! :D

but seriously whats up with that little sewer man hole deal? i hope that does not lead up to the surface or something
would be cool as hell for like a secret entrance lol but would be a deal killer for a grow room! seal that b i t c h off

anyway thanks for the video beats that hell outta pics +rep

keep us updated
had me on the edge of my seat awesome!
you get kudos for going in their i would've brought like at least
4 people just incase and a dog lol you have been blessed with a huge room now take advantage