At first, when you dropped the camera, I thought you were doing a Blair Witch spoof until you said spider. I laughed my ass off. I get that way with centipedes. Not your common ordinary house centipedes but the huge ass foot long desert centipedes. God they are horrible. :: shudder ::
i would open it and throw my dog in their is she squeeled stay out if not its all good
Yo I think I saw a pop can on the ground you better see the date on that shit so you will have a idea when the last ppl were in there if it wasn't a can find something in there to give you a idea date on when a human was last in there man...What if I use to live at that house and know how to get into your op you got Balls for putting that shit on here man + REP lol
Man how i wish i had a basement i can picture it now 2000watts of Greatness i would make it look like a jungle in there