I Found a Secret Room In My House!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit I found a secret underground room in my basement!!!! It appears to be an old cistern or coal room behind my foundation wall!!!! I tore down an old work bench and metal wall cabinets to get more storage space and found a fucking door!!!!!!! I have yet to go inside but peaked through the plastic sheeting and it is huge!!!!! Atleast 10x10x10!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I hit the jackpot!!!!! Sorry I am really really excited and had to tell somebody! This could be an awesome project!!! I will update and post pics at a later time!!!
Dude I wouldn't even hesitate...GIANT GROW ROOM!!!!

Brick Top

New Member
Considering how he screamed like a little girl with a skinned knee when he saw the spider I am a bit surprised he packed the gear to walk 'the last mile' to the alter. I wonder if he wore his Darth Vader respirator to the alter?

If he had been smart he would have stocked his secret room with provisions and walled himself in the day before the wedding. When the topic of marriage comes up that is the time to run far, run fast, run silent, run deep ... but whatever you do ... you run. You sneak out of the house in the middle of the night and rip up a bunch of bushes and tie them to your rear bumper to wipe out your trail so you can't be tracked and you head for the hills.

Once a woman gets a ring on her finger and one in your nose ... it's all over but your funeral service and your burial.

On the bright side ... with his secret room if he grows tired of her he has a good place to hide the body. Frame in the door and put temporary supports against it and order a few trucks of concrete to fill in the dangerous about to collapse underground cavity. Problem solved, freedom and life regained.

That is of course if he doesn't have pigs to feed her to.


Well-Known Member
+1 for Brick top post
There is a saying here that marriage is the most expensive way to get lay for free...

Brick Top

New Member
+1 for Brick top post
There is a saying here that marriage is the most expensive way to get lay for free...

Every woman that I have gotten to the point where marriage was becoming a consideration turned out to be either a lunachick or a heart-breaker.

I finally decided that rather than get married and eventually divorced and go through all the emotions and lose so much monetarily that if I ever got the urge to get married I would instead just find some woman I really hated and buy her a house. It would be easier on the emotions and not cost me as much money.


Active Member
What an epic thread! Thanks for posting this I read through it all. Video was incredible. Have fun on your honeymoon and look forward to seeing your carpentry skills in action on that baby. +rep on the vid.


Well-Known Member
Every woman that I have gotten to the point where marriage was becoming a consideration turned out to be either a lunachick or a heart-breaker.

I finally decided that rather than get married and eventually divorced and go through all the emotions and lose so much monetarily that if I ever got the urge to get married I would instead just find some woman I really hated and buy her a house. It would be easier on the emotions and not cost me as much money.
I decided not to marry and ruin a good relationship. My girl and I have been together for 16 yrs now, but would have divorced 10x by now had we married. I have found that the leading cause of divorce is.....marriage!!


Well-Known Member
Every woman that I have gotten to the point where marriage was becoming a consideration turned out to be either a lunachick or a heart-breaker.

I finally decided that rather than get married and eventually divorced and go through all the emotions and lose so much monetarily that if I ever got the urge to get married I would instead just find some woman I really hated and buy her a house. It would be easier on the emotions and not cost me as much money.
I just had a great laugh about that.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top Every woman that I have gotten to the point where marriage was becoming a consideration turned out to be either a lunachick or a heart-breaker.

I finally decided that rather than get married and eventually divorced and go through all the emotions and lose so much monetarily that if I ever got the urge to get married I would instead just find some woman I really hated and buy her a house. It would be easier on the emotions and not cost me as much money.

I just had a great laugh about that.

I learned long ago that all this crap about women loving men is just that, crap. From the first worm they dare you to eat to the last big shovelful of snow they convince us we can move, to a woman all a man is, is an amusement park ride with life insurance.