i fucked up. HELP NOW!


Active Member
sorry for the dramatic title, but this is a very huge, bad situation.. i went camping and didnt water for 4-5 days, 3-4nights, and yea... fuck...
i brought the little one home, for major opperation, and revivation, i had to go to my spot, and pack it up in a box, put it inside a backpack and walked it to my house.. ALL leaves are drooping down on both, i just water'd and put very little earth juice with them, i thought they would need the nuts for my lack of... fucking up and not watering them, but pretty much, the big one is all drooping down like this one, but in the big one i knoticed something, it got really bushy while i was gone... like emazing growth in the leaves and... all around bushier, but all drooping and the little one, i did the same thing 2 days before, didnt water for 3 days, so it was already a little droopy, but now its DROOPY, every leaf that is, same with the big one, what do i need to do to keep these guys alive... their all i got :(

(the bottom leaves are turning yellow, and 2 have dried up and fallen off, the rest is still really green, stem and all, just really fuckin droopy)

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
First off.. take a deep hit of something sweet and the relax..... Ok it sounds like your fine. Droopy isn't too big of a problem that you can't rebound from. How old are they? What size pots are they in? Pictures would be best also. Leave some details and we can better diagnose your problem.

sounds like.. now this is just from what you have said but it sounds like they are thirsty. No biggie.


Active Member
well, didnt keep track of how old, this one is about 14 inches, with like 10-12 nodes, and looked sooooooooooooooooo healthy before this disaster, this one is currently in a smaller pot, but is going to be transplanted out of it when it gets out of this bad stage its in, but someone stole my cam, i dont think pics are going to happen, but ill try as hard as i can to get some tomarrow, ill hit up my home boy to see if he'll lemme borrow his, like i said, this is all i got, and i cant let em' go now after all the bs i've been thru with them,
i water every other day usually, til their completely soaked, and wait til the top is crusty and dry, this is what i've been doing til i didnt water for 4-5 days
and they both were lookin great!!


Active Member
another thing, am i going to need anything special in my trailer? like should i keep it in here til it recovers? or put it in the sun during the day and night.. or what?? its sittin in my trailer right now, all my regular lights are on (not growing lights) and the A/C is blowing on it very calmly

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
sounds like they just need some water and the roots may be getting bundled so that transplant might be needed soon too. I think you will be ok. Pot can take a beating and still survive. You will know when they have passed that threshold.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
another thing, am i going to need anything special in my trailer? like should i keep it in here til it recovers? or put it in the sun during the day and night.. or what?? its sittin in my trailer right now, all my regular lights are on (not growing lights) and the A/C is blowing on it very calmly
If its an outdoor plant then use the lights on the regular day/night schedule. Are you able to set it outside anywhere around there that it wouldnt be noticed until it recovers?


Well-Known Member
I agree with toking pride, some drooping is fine, it's when it REALLY starts to wilt that you'll get into trouble. pot will do fine without watering up to a week in some cases so you'll be alright.


Active Member
yea its an outdoor, and yea i could set it in a place that wouldnt be knoticed, but i prefer not too, just of how it looks


Active Member
its not "some" drooping.... the entire plant is drooping completely down, all leaves, everything, still stands but it doesn look good at all, still green and alive but looks like it just got beaten up back :P


Active Member
they start to droop if they're roots get bound? alright that might be some of it, for this little one anyways, the other is in a 10gal, bucket, i dont think i'll needa transplant that one, tell me otherwise if ima fool

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
I think your ok man stop sweatin it. Your plant should be looking good by tomorrow night if you gave it some water today. Let it get back out in the sun tomorrow and absorb some good light while its got some nice moist soil. If it isn't better by this time tomorrow then post again and pics would definitely help then.


Active Member
alright man!! your a relief, you don't even know :P
but alright will do man, this time, tomarrow, so be on to help me out if i need it? ill post anyways just to let you guys know how things go


Active Member
oh haha that makes sence :P but yea im loaded off my ass after i saw these beasts pretty much dead lookin... i was like...FUCK! smoke time! but yea i was in a panic before i talked and figured out what the deal was (thanks to you) :D

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
glad i could help, i try to check the forums every day but if Im not on here, there are plenty of better educated people on this site than me so don't worry. We will keep your babies alive. We all have been there and we are all here to help. Happy toking.


Active Member
ummm 1 more quick question... should i stick it outside? if i dont, will the lights in my trailer affect it, if they do, what about my computer screen? complete no light or are there exeptions, its 8:36, getting dark outside, what should i do?