i fucked up. HELP NOW!


Active Member
alright fuck that shit then, ill stick it outside.... but not even a monitor screen light hitting it? (thats all thats on is my computer) no light source coming from anywhere except the comp


Well-Known Member
nope, a pinhole of light can hurt them if it's hitting the plant, and monitors give off a very white light usually so it's extra bad.


Active Member
thats fucked up.. fuck the moon... thats a source of light, and all the stars, but aight man thanks i didnt know :P well i hurd that exact same thing, what you just said but didnt know if it was true

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
lol set them outside a couple hours and then when you turn in just put them inside with the monitor off. But yeah to be safe no light is best. Although since they are still vegging the light wouldn't be too detrimental to them I have heard of light changes like that making them hermie. I honestly think you'll be ok with them inside for 1 night but they are your babies and you want nothing but champagne wishes and caviar dreams for them right? If it isn't too much trouble put them outside for now if it is, well fuck it.


Well-Known Member
It's best as they said to have no light if you are growing them outdoors normally. Light stress can mess with your plants hormones, but it sounds like yous hould keep them inside. Try to nurse them back a bit. In veg I wouldn't worry so much about having it inside. Even with the NO light rule I have found that there is a level of light that is acceptable. I am convinced that there is SOME allowable amount of light. I would say nothing brighter than the moon, but realize the moon is VERY VERY far away and VERY VERY dim. Most artificial light is going to be much too bright if it is direct light.


Active Member
alrighty, it makes sence really, but im just going to keep outside til i go to bed (lights out) then put her back outside bright and early for the sun to hit, then if it dont like it ill put her back inside and baby her..


Active Member
hells yea!! full recovery, thanks very much guys, its a relief hehe
but yea, shes lookin how she was before i went camping IN 1 NIGHT!! except, some of the nodes got fucked up, the 2 bottom ones bigger leafs dried up and fell off but other then that shes beautiful


Well-Known Member
At least your first grow survived, all of mine died, so technically my grow journal is my second but I just named it the first anyways.

dave on the decks

Active Member
theres one thing you have too keep on telling your selves lads, its not a plant as we all call it, its a weed, and that weed will do anything to stay alive just like we would, the best thing to do is do what these guys are saying , leave it outside, hopefully in a sun trap, let it have its breeze from the weather and , it,ll grow like a charm, ive been growing for years, and from day 1 i got to the first stages of wilt and by hell i was as paranoid as you are now, i wanted to grow as it was all i ever wanted to do,iv had mates grow 2 ,3 times and they gave me pointers, and from there pointers i wanted a plant that would be perfect, people say you learn from your mistakes, and ill happily tell you you do what i said, you wont make no mistakes, just leave it to grow keep an eye on it, if it wilts and is still green its alive, and itll stay alive and keep growing , itll heal from the wilt within a few days,and when it does, just keep assure to keep it topped with water,and what ever nutrients u may be feeding it,remember its better to underwater than to over water,keep the good times rolling, am in to a nice grow my self using hydroponics, dripper system , WILMA 10 POT, and i can tell you , im only growing 6 in a 1.2mtr square feet ent , 2 meters, high been growing them now for 8 weeks, and theyve, completly grown the space there in , its a forest in there,all averaging to 6ft each, and only in 6.5 ltr tubs , who said they only grow to there tubs , dont beleive everything your told son, as i keep saying there weed, they,ll out grow anything and keep growing , ive prooned mine 3 times already , ive even managed to receive 11 leafs on em , happy growing


Active Member
nice dave.. sounds like my dad :P
i gotta few questions though.... stupid questions that i want to understand :P

1. can a male plant at EARLY stages, not even knowing if it was a male or not, have a very nice, skunky marijuana smell?
2. what will bugs eating your leaves do to your plant over time?
3. where should i look for the female white hairs? the upper nodes correct?
4. what kind of easy to get lights can i use for clones, and indoor plants?(that are somewhat cheap)
5. what all else would i need for cloning/indoor

dave on the decks

Active Member
all good questions,and ill happily explain the ifs and buts,

a male plant carnt really be identified by its strong smell due to it having the very same smell as a possible female plant,but people can some times tell them apart whilst there small and young,just by looking at the leafs and how big and bushy they are, still not always the right way, and has been a let down for many growers using this, the only way i find out the males from the females.is the growth spurt, imagine this uve got 4 plants say, there all under direct light the have the same space as each other, and no obsticles in the way of light, but 2 grow 2 inches more that the other 2, a week later there twice the size of the other 2, then thats when you know,and maybe some of you growers are maybe doubting this , thinking but what if hes got different breeds, like rudereliss, which as we know grows really big ad say over 6ft,but this is a true way of finding out these 2 early,ONTO THE NEXT QUESTION

bugs wont really do miuch to your plants other than chew little holes in the leafs, if you use a liquid called silicone which should be added to your nutrient if you get such problems , this eliminates the pests you may be getting,this will also prevent spider mite, this is a sayin were spiders lay eggs all over your crop , and webs the place, if you catch it at the right time , ya can say by by to them pesks and grow on....

within a week or 2 of growin in light medians on 12 hour you,ll start to see little white hairs around the nodes as we all say, these are the corners of the branches, and around the top stem, should be easily spotted, if you see little dots, then chook em right out, dont worry if you see them within the 2 week period , they wont of infected the females, the sooner the better,

the best light for cuttings in my opinion would be an envirolite bulb , these come in either blue spectrum i.e what you want them for clones, ect, seedings, and red for flowering, these can be plugged straight into an E40 plug adapter, screw fit,just like your lamp sort, but BIGGER, no balast required at all,they dont give of much heat at all,in fact ya can hold the bulb all day long and not get burnt....people assume plants need heat as well as light, plant can live in temps of 15 degrees aLL DAY without a problem , but within the 20 i keep it in, and at night just a tadge lower say 14-15....there a good bulb and ya can get these on ebay,for as little as 20 quid, and they last agfes, enought for a few grows.

for cloning id suggest that bulb i said, a propagator with keeps the humidity in,ad say quite a big en,and keep the flaps shut for the first week, get em nice and moist, and gradually open bit by bit, till there ready for the big bulb power,or if you want the enviroilite to carry them on then thats fine dude,

hope ive been a helping hand to you , any more questions gimme a shout

happy growing..dave