I got 6oz off 1 plant!


Active Member
Yep thats right. Plus I dont even know the name of most plants I grow. I was told it was Strawberry cough, now I am told it is Master Kush. Oh well, whatever it is I got over 6z of dried bud. In a week I have smoked 2oz and sold 1z. I did it under a 600w hps. The trick to a big haul on 1 plant, besides enough light, Vegg time, bending and scrog. Everything I do Vegg's at least 2 months. This is the 2nd time in 3 flowers I have gotten over 6z off 1 plant. I am 5 weeks away from harvesting my Afghan. I am vegging a grand Daddy Purp


Well-Known Member
yes lol we want pics!! lol but i guess u aint got none now u smoked it,,i once got 76543 ounce of 1 auto under a 35 watt cfl yup[ 10 yrs veg and 15 yrs flower!! !! smoked it now tho so im afraid i cant proof it oh well!


Active Member
SO we heard from the haters and we heard from the good people. Look, I said this is only my 3rd flower. I started growing in Nov. 2011. So for the haters or the people who think they are the greatest and ther shit dont stink, this is for u:finger:. For the people who were happy for me, thanks, wish I could share some with u. Here's pics of the Harvest

Harvest 002.jpgHarvest 005.jpgHarvest 010.jpgHarvest 012.jpgHarvest 013.jpgHarvest 018.jpgHarvest 021.jpg Oh I have wieghed these bad girls wet and they like 40 or 50grams + wet. After 3 4 days of drying what was left was put in jars. That was 6oz. I gave some wet nugz to my buddy. There may have been 1/2 a lb, but I am not very anal and smoke like ther is no tomorrow. Peace and happy growin!


Well-Known Member
SO we heard from the haters and we heard from the good people. Look, I said this is only my 3rd flower. I started growing in Nov. 2011. So for the haters or the people who think they are the greatest and ther shit dont stink, this is for u:finger:. For the people who were happy for me, thanks, wish I could share some with u. Here's pics of the Harvest

View attachment 2238838View attachment 2238839View attachment 2238840View attachment 2238841View attachment 2238842View attachment 2238843View attachment 2238844 Oh I have wieghed these bad girls wet and they like 40 or 50grams + wet. After 3 4 days of drying what was left was put in jars. That was 6oz. I gave some wet nugz to my buddy. There may have been 1/2 a lb, but I am not very anal and smoke like ther is no tomorrow. Peace and happy growin!
​pics of bud porn for the haters.......im an hater too then as i love bud porn..... yum yum .....very nice ;-)


Active Member
SO we heard from the haters and we heard from the good people. Look, I said this is only my 3rd flower. I started growing in Nov. 2011. So for the haters or the people who think they are the greatest and ther shit dont stink, this is for u:finger:. For the people who were happy for me, thanks, wish I could share some with u. Here's pics of the Harvest

View attachment 2238838View attachment 2238839View attachment 2238840View attachment 2238841View attachment 2238842View attachment 2238843View attachment 2238844 Oh I have wieghed these bad girls wet and they like 40 or 50grams + wet. After 3 4 days of drying what was left was put in jars. That was 6oz. I gave some wet nugz to my buddy. There may have been 1/2 a lb, but I am not very anal and smoke like ther is no tomorrow. Peace and happy growin!

Dude your such a tool, you put what is obviously a bragging post about your yield and yea it's probably above average but people are right it isn't spectacular. Getting to the point you pretty much call the people hating your post bad people. Maybe you should think before you type your shit out that your probably gonna have that kinda heat. Your like most religious people you think just because people don't feel the way you do that not only are they wrong but they are also bad people and you have even less grounds then them.

Oh also try to take more then 10 seconds to type your post. I had better spelling then you in the 3rd grade.

Also with your sig if that isn't a joke then your worse then the people that entered that ooky kabooki in the cannabis cup a couple years back.

Btw your shit isn't impressive I have pulled 6+ oz off a single plant with a 400 watt hps with bagseed out of headies.


Active Member
Dude your such a tool, you put what is obviously a bragging post about your yield and yea it's probably above average but people are right it isn't spectacular. Getting to the point you pretty much call the people hating your post bad people. Maybe you should think before you type your shit out that your probably gonna have that kinda heat. Your like most religious people you think just because people don't feel the way you do that not only are they wrong but they are also bad people and you have even less grounds then them.

Oh also try to take more then 10 seconds to type your post. I had better spelling then you in the 3rd grade.

Also with your sig if that isn't a joke then your worse then the people that entered that ooky kabooki in the cannabis cup a couple years back.

Btw your shit isn't impressive I have pulled 6+ oz off a single plant with a 400 watt hps with bagseed out of headies.
Does someone need a hug. Yea I am bragging, so what. Why cant u be happy for me instead of being a DICK. #Justsayin. Sometimes people just need a pat on the back. I am new, I have had to read the books ask questions etc...

So I come on here, said nothing derogatory in my original post, and some troll or some guy who grows does this all the time has to shoot a noob down. Look man I am 42, no I can not type because I was a framer all my life. Now after 10 surgeries due to work related injuries, this is about the only thing I can do. So I am starting small. I have 3 different types of lights. 250mh, 400hps, 600hps. I have 2 grow rooms:3'x3'x6' and 4'x4'x8'
Every grow I have had trouble with something, so when I get a good harvest i want to share with everyone, U call it bragging, I call it celebrating. So yea, if u felt hurt by me calling u and all the haters out ther DICK's, I could careless.


Anyways, sorry to bring this happy celebration of weed down. What I would tell a noob is, "keep up the good work, you will get better with every grow." #JUSTSAYIN.


Well-Known Member
I got 6 oz off of a Super Lemon Haze a few grows ago...I find I get about an oz per week of veg, unless I do no veg, in which case I just get right around an oz...I veg for around 3 weeks and get around 3 oz per plant at a time...have vegged for 6 weeks at the longest, with the SLH and it got me 6 oz...no veg gets 1 oz...so I assume--that I get around an oz per week of veg...haven't vegged for 5 weeks and gotten 5 oz...but you see what I just said before...it isn't an exact science, but I can hit the 3 mark every time, because I most usually veg for around 3 weeks so that is how it most often turns out...blah blah blah...


Well-Known Member
Good job though being new I guess...? I feel like my yields are pretty good for the amount of care and what not I put in...but you will soon figure out the correlation between veg time and flowering yield...at least it shows with me.
I prefer to do 3 medium plants at a time though, or 4...as opposed to 1 really large and 1 small or what not...


Well-Known Member
nice job kev. that's a solid yield for a newer grower. the buds look pretty good too. let me know how they smoke.

couple tips that might help. get those plants into 9-10 gallon pot a week before flower and i think you'll see better yields. i'd keep your plants on veg nutes and under MH lighting for the first 10-14 days of 12/12. this will help keep tighter nodes and prevent stretching. the nutrients will help some with that yellowing you have on your leaves. try running a little more N in your flower nutes. looks like N deficiency to me but keep in mind it "might" be K. would need to know more about your nutes. i remember talking about that with you a while back. try and keep the plants healthy all the way through harvest. the only reason to flush is built up salts. if you are running your nutrients correctly you won't have any built up salts.

good luck man.

p.s. watch out for pic collectors...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yo why all the hating on man dems work?? At da end of the day yh he done well can we see pics of all your work and the 6oz bitches u produce ??? If ya got fuck all nice to say just rak yaself off and do1 ya fags it does nt matter if he vegged for 20 wks and flowered for howeva long as long as the man is happy then who gives a fuck shit should nt of needed sayin but ya know your fuckin childish and half of u av neva hit the mark the man has !!

+rep to ya bro for stayin so cool and the acheivement you made yaself !!
Nothin like hittin goals imo and yh its nice to share and hear peeps rep dat shit so well done;-)


Well-Known Member
Good job though being new I guess...? I feel like my yields are pretty good for the amount of care and what not I put in...but you will soon figure out the correlation between veg time and flowering yield...at least it shows with me.
I prefer to do 3 medium plants at a time though, or 4...as opposed to 1 really large and 1 small or what not...
Yh u can get more from slh in the tiniest of airpots usin cocco last run i did over 8 1/2 oz in a 6litre airpot usin cocco and there was a fair bit left on the fucker so i could reveg her could of hit the 10oz i reckon we neva know and she only had 5wks veg!!