I got a job as a writer

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There will be pictures or videos when I get paid (plus the eventually quality of the videos and the extra items I will have soon will show I am getting paid) , and as I said in the original post, I will be helping other writers who would like to do the same thing, in a few months.

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And I got put in college at the age of 16 after being evaluated by a REAL psychologist, instead of the jail therapist, who was going by nothing but government bubble in tests and a picture she made me draw on the back of a piece of paper. The real psychologist name was Harvey Davison, and he actually talked to me to find out what was up. But then I ran away and when to Wood county out in the boonies of Texas, and when the police came and got me I was still on probation, so I went to juvy and then back to highschool.
Below genius level, not participating in High School, yet placed in college. Sure.
:lol: I was participating in Highschool, I ran away from college. And 5 points below genius is still above most people on the planet, and I wouldn't feel wrong saying: Above everyone else commenting on this thread.
Not supporting yourself makes you less successful in life than more than half the people here as well.
I noticed you addressed everyones questions but mine a few pages back. I thought you were proud to be a moocher and living off of momma.
Not supporting yourself makes you less successful in life than more than half the people here as well.

I do support myself, the fact that I don't have much doesn't mean I don't support myself. And I have a job as a writer now, so anything in the nature of needing money is over :)
I noticed you addressed everyones questions but mine a few pages back. I thought you were proud to be a moocher and living off of momma.

I read with 40 posts per page, if I didn't reply to your posts, it's because I would have rather read posts from other avatars, so I skipped yours for something worth replying to.
Wonderful! Congrats!....

.... here's to hoping this recent development will help cut down on the number of topics like this on the forum.
Wonderful! Congrats!....

.... here's to hoping this recent development will help cut down on the number of topics like this on the forum.
No, I don't want the trolls to getting me views until I have like 2,000 subscribers in Youtube or something.
No, I don't want the trolls to getting me views until I have like 2,000 subscribers in Youtube or something.

Ya-haaargh, matey. I don be wantin to getting me views either. Scurvy wenches! Ya-haaargh...

"Talk like a Pirate Day" is in September, I believe, so you're a little early for such diction.

Seriously, Fin, WHY would someone pay you to write? And what are you writing exactly; obituaries in the gardening section of the local newspaper?
Or are you "Chief Proofreader" for companies on Alibaba, perhaps?
My IQ was like 5 points from genius, some lady came to my house and tested me for the gifted and talented class in like 4th grade.

Ahhhh, new sig material. Because "some lady" your mom brought over to your house to tell you how "special" you are in 4th grade, is the authority. I'm guessing the other kids were picking on you Forrest Gump style, and momma was tired of hearing you cry into your pillow at night. That "lady" was her co worker. They were drunk at the time too.

And I got put in college at the age of 16 after being evaluated by a REAL psychologist, instead of the jail therapist, who was going by nothing but government bubble in tests and a picture she made me draw on the back of a piece of paper. The real psychologist name was Harvey Davison, and he actually talked to me to find out what was up. But then I ran away and when to Wood county out in the boonies of Texas, and when the police came and got me I was still on probation, so I went to juvy and then back to highschool.

It's not your fault.....it's not your fault.......it's not your fault.....
Who lets these people access the internet. Are there no morals in society when a mother obviously lets her semi retarded sociopathic son enter Internet forums just to have his confidence and selfesteem smashed by normal people who think this guy is serious. He has to be a mommas boy, he has no father, we all know what those dudes turn out to be. Maybe he is writing childrens stories for the local catholic church.... I digress, this dude is no doubt smart but he is definetly socially inept. Lets just be nice to him... remeber when your parents told you to be nice to the retarded kid, even though he throws shit at you and blurts out obcenities?

Lets all have a heart, afterall do we really want this poor old mommas boy to cry himself to sleep tonight?
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